gods, grant me patience!


New Member
A husband and wife work in the same office as I do, they're both teachers. Today, they bring their preschool son into the office. Which usually isn't a problem. We're a family office, and occasionally children have to come in because there's no school or sitters.

Well, this boy decides to sit at my desk and draw. That would be fine with me, except that he tells me that he has no room to draw because I'm "in the way" ... he's coloring off his paper onto my desk ... he's singing out loud ... he's telling me to smell his smelly pens every 5 seconds ... in other words, he's driving me nuts.

I already told him calmly - loud enough for his parents to hear - to go sit by his parents. He refused.

Why isn't his parents taking responsibility for his disruptive behavior!?!

I don't blame the kid. I blame his idiot parents. :mad:
When I bring my baby in and she starts crying and being loud, I take her outside.
He went away!! The gods listen!!

I guess my ignoring him for almost 1/2 hour bored him and he went to go bang on some filing cabinets. At least he's not sitting at my desk anymore.
unclehobart said:
Perhaps he read you type all that ^ and stormed off in a petulant huff.
If it works, but it's wrong, does it still work? Yep. :D
:eek5: Suddenly finds enormous respect for the OTC Gods.... :worship:

I didn't even know they could hear us............:crying3:
Oh man that's the worst! That's almost as bad as the person who used your desk calendar while you were away. :D

My boss' son comes in frequently and stays for hours. He doesn't care if people are working, on the phone, talking about business, he just interrupts (like father like son).

I have this magnet base on my desk that has these little metal pieces that you can shape into things. That kept him away from my desk for a while until he figured out what magnets do to computer monitors.

He also likes to play with my tools and picked up my box cutter one day. I freaked out and took it away from him and told him he's not allowed to touch anything on my bench. Then I let his father know (who could care less as long as he doesn't have to pay attention to him) that his son was playing with razors and that for his son's safety, he might want to reiterate the 'no touching of Trish's bench' rule. :D
Boy do I know this pain - in the workplace and at home.

We used to not have a childproof home. And although we would tell people that when they came to visit, more often than not, I felt like I had to help babysit so the kids wouldn't hurt themselves (there, there hon, the kitty litter is not something we play in).
unclehobart said:
Perhaps he read you type all that ^ and stormed off in a petulant huff.

He's 4 years old. He can barely spell his own name. I'm sure he'll be able to read what I'm typing ;)
UGH ... sad to say, those people are related to me ... (and ku'u's husband too) ... I think it's "Be Irritated With Your Relations" Day. My 20 year-old nephew is irritating the shit outta me too :D
no .. this is another relative ...

the parents of the 4 year old are in their late 20's and early 30's. the 20 year old nephew is the son of my first cousin.