Good laugh


Major contributor!
Your kid ever say something that made you laugh but you didn't want to laugh because you didn't want to make him look bad? My kid asked me which was was east. He said "Dad? Which was is east? Up?"

I had to turn around a bit in my chair to hide the oncoming laugh. Poor kid.
The neatest (and most crucial) phase of development. What age is this kid?

One of my fav's was
"having Sex won't change our relationship"
(three years ago) then yesterday
"She's not one of those dumb chicks
that thinks 'havin' sex won't change our relationship"
My kids will come up to me while I'm cooking dinner. Now, if they looked at the stove they would probably see the hamburgers, the fryer sitting on the counter and the bag of fries. But what do they ask? Yep. What's for dinner. I usually say something like spagetti and they walk away. Then when I tell them dinner is ready they say "I thought we were having spagetti?" With the whole confused look and everything. It's priceless....
PT said:
My kids will come up to me while I'm cooking dinner. Now, if they looked at the stove they would probably see the hamburgers, the fryer sitting on the counter and the bag of fries. But what do they ask? Yep. What's for dinner. I usually say something like spagetti and they walk away. Then when I tell them dinner is ready they say "I thought we were having spagetti?" With the whole confused look and everything. It's priceless....

we did that tonight. I'm standing there with a package of hot dogs I'm just about to cut open and cook up. Oldest kid comes in..."Making hot dogs for dinner, mom?" Mom says, "No." Kid sadly goes, "oh.". Mom starts laughing. Kid goes, "Well, you were standing there with them, it was an honest mistake!! What is for dinner then?"

These aren't my blupers.. but my sisters... she was young but hardly a child!

Christmas 1996... at age 14!!
"Mam! Look! Claire! Look!"
*everyone gathers around the TV showing a natural history programme* "Yeah... Reindeer?..."
"So they really are real!!?!"

Slight confusion there caused by "Santa Clause - The Movie"... :rolleyes:

Christmas 1999... age 17!!
"Joseph layed carpets didn't he?"
"Em no Bex... thats a carpeter not carpenter"

I would like to be able to blame the drink... but our legal age is 18! :rolleyes:
My parents love to tell this one on me...

One night on our way home from shopping, we got behind a slow moving car. It was very new, very shiny, and very very slow. I might have been about 5 years old. I could read proficiently by 4. Upon noticing the name plate on the trunk deck of the car ahead of us, I sounded out the words of this particular Pontiac motor vehicle, and sure that I had it down correctly, spouted out with:

"Look, Dad, there's Grand Pricks (Prix) ahead of us!"

Several seconds of stifled laughter that I didn't understand for a few years followed, then my father's voice came to me with his reply: "You got that right, boy!"
my mom was telling me that when I was really young and watched Saturday Morning Cartoons, I could never say "Well be right back after these messages"
so her and my sister would laugh and laugh
marlowe had been enrolled in daycare for just a few days when she came home and called rob a "penishead". i could have died laughing while valiantly chastising her for it.
LMAO. That reminds me of when I was living with the Irish brats, and this 'friend' (Duane) of my flatmate/landlady came to visit. He was such a dork and nobody liked him, and the three year old Irish tyke yelled at him, "Fuck off, Duane!" I was laughing soooo hard, and their mother was trying hard not to giggle as well. :lol:
When a kid asks me "Can I be anything I want to be when I grow up"...I turn around, try to control boisterious laughter, turn around and tell them "yes...yes you can be"