good old penguin game..

We used to play that game at albinoblacksheep all the time during slow moments at RadioShack. Best score I got was 1300-something I think.
One annoying thing about that game is that it's not a game of skill. You can hit it and get 1,400 one time, then hit it the exact same way the next time and get 330 because the land mines move from game to game.

I seem to be the expert at landing between two land mines, exploding neither.
Did anyone check out any of the other games on that site-have to try the adult games........ :D :lol2:
My favourite is still the Yeti Golf.

I let the 10 year old on the puter yesterday. Looked up and saw him playing it and thought aw how cute and got a laugh out of it. Looked up a minute later and saw him playing bloody pingu.

Boys suck :(