Good right wing news sources...


OK so I'm looking for more cool sites that is predominantly right wing based. I found a couple that I read: -- Mostly news articles from the web, links, and of course feedback by the webmaster. -- This is a really cool website and has some interesting news. -- Another interesting website.
Just a suggestion, if you really want to know the world, and what is going on in it, why do you consistently get your information from one sided sources? Don't you think that maybe getting both sides to the story might get you a better perspective of what is really going on?
PuterTutor said:
Just a suggestion, if you really want to know the world, and what is going on in it, why do you consistently get your information from one sided sources? Don't you think that maybe getting both sides to the story might get you a better perspective of what is really going on?
I don't, its just that there are so many socialist sources out there I don't even need to ask. :) Here are a few ones I read: <-- This one is a prime example of how one sided BBC is. (Arabic) (Arabic) (Arabic),4125,,00.html (Afrikaans)
Hm let me translate one headline for ya:

'n Man se eie woorde oor hoe hy sy swanger vrou se keel met 'n mes afgesny het, kon vandeesweek nie in die hof gebruik word om hom te laat boet nie. Die getuienis oor die moord op 'n swanger vrou het die hart en verstand geruk, maar dit was nie genoeg nie. Haar man, en tot vandeesweek nog haar vermeende moordenaar, het vry uit die Pretoriase hooggeregshof gestap.
A man's own words concerning how he slit his pregnant wife's throat could not be used this week in the court. The confession (note: this is hard to translate), though it cuts through the hearts of people, is not enough. Her husband, up to this week the suspected murderer, was released this week from the Pretoria Supreme Court.

Dammit I hate translating, I'm not good at translating local expressions to the English variants.
the beeb is one sided because it has an arabic translation of its site? it has the site in a whole bunch of other languages too as well, about 40 i think including welsh, chinese, urdu, hindu, spanish etc. arabic, as the one of the largest languages in the world, would seem a natural choice for a translation.

of course i have no idea what it says but i do with some of the other language translations through friends and the articles are no different to my knowledge.
ris said:
the beeb is one sided because it has an arabic translation of its site? it has the site in a whole bunch of other languages too as well, about 40 i think including welsh, chinese, urdu, hindu, spanish etc. arabic, as the one of the largest languages in the world, would seem a natural choice for a translation.

of course i have no idea what it says but i do with some of the other language translations through friends and the articles are no different to my knowledge.
HINT: Its not a translation... the articles don't match.