Hey Scant, sittin' 'ere sippin' White Zin an' listenin' to the Dixie Chicks latest album. (However pitiful, it works)

'ow 'bout you? :)
sittin' here writing a little, posting a little, staring into space a little. :D

Going to bed soon, I think.

Company party for bankers and investors. 4.5 hours with people who either can't read a fucking invitation or think that 5:30 to 7:30 actually means 5:30 to 10:30.

I got home laaaaate.

Spot said:
bruins game and water here

what's a bruins?? there's a bar jsut opening around the corner from me called that... i thought they just made it up, but perhaps not....
Re: wossat?

nambit said:
Spot said:
bruins game and water here

what's a bruins?? there's a bar jsut opening around the corner from me called that... i thought they just made it up, but perhaps not....

bruin \Bru"in\, n. [D. bruin brown. In the epic poem of ``Reynard the Fox'' the bear is so called from his color. See Brown, a.] A bear; -- so called in popular tales and fables.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

bruin n 1: a conventional name for a bear used in tales following usage in the old epic "Reynard the Fox" 2: large ferocious bear of Eurasia [syn: brown bear, Ursus arctos]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

I thought it meant 'bear' but I wasn't sure. I had a friend in elementary school whose family was from up north. He was always going on about Bobby Orr and the Boston Bruins. At the time, I thought hockey was something you had to be careful not to step in when playing football in the backyard. :p