Got a new digital camera

We got one over the weekend too, and as soon as AE has time to sit down and download all the stuff it takes to post photos y'all might get to see my ugly mug. It's a HP, and that's all I know about it.
Just remember any pic uploaded to the net is there in perpetuity,just ask Les .
{insert the famous butt pic here}:brow:

Note:Those emailed however will remain secure,I promise uncrosses fingers:evilgrin:
FluerVanderloo said:
Ain't nothing wrong with Wal Mart.

Absolutely. Now if we can get you to see the light on the whole Lincoln/slavery issue, you'd be ahead of some ;)
Gonz said:
Absolutely. Now if we can get you to see the light on the whole Lincoln/slavery issue, you'd be ahead of some ;)
I'm just glad to see you got a camera with optical zoom. Digital zoom is a steaming pile of crap... or at least that's what the pictures look like when digitally zoomed in.

So, Monica... any hope of seeing a picture of this virginity-taker of yours?
Gonz said:
Absolutely. Now if we can get you to see the light on the whole Lincoln/slavery issue, you'd be ahead of some ;)

Damn. 0-2 already ain't ya?

And I do see the light. That's why I do what I do.
Inkara1 said:
I'm just glad to see you got a camera with optical zoom. Digital zoom is a steaming pile of crap... or at least that's what the pictures look like when digitally zoomed in.

So, Monica... any hope of seeing a picture of this virginity-taker of yours?

I assume it's the boyfriend she announced on April he is from that thread.
