Got a new J O B!!!


New Member
So, I started my first day of a new job yesterday.....Data Entry..... :swing:
What I do, is wait for little books to come back from homes that "Neilson's Media" sends out to ppl.....its on a weeks worth of tv ratings and what they watch and with what (cable-satalite), when they come back we post them in a computer and give that staion credit for that show. Seems pretty neat thus far, we'll see how it works out. :D
Seriously? I mean, I think it's great that you got a job, but that? We are so backwards in our technology sometimes.
I got a call from Nielsen the other day; I'm going to be one of the people logging what I watch during the week of May 19 or thereabouts. When you enter in the info, watch for two little booklets (I have two TVs) from Aaron Crutchfield in Atascadero, CA.
Inkara1 said:
I got a call from Nielsen the other day; I'm going to be one of the people logging what I watch during the week of May 19 or thereabouts. When you enter in the info, watch for two little booklets (I have two TVs) from Aaron Crutchfield in Atascadero, CA.

That's kewl.....don't know if i'll actually get yours....we don't go by last names or anything we go by faimily #'s....when you get your book on the front there will be a number usually will start with a #9......thats the number i need to know.....
But we have over 400 computers in this place and 2 shifts...I will be on day shift 7:45 am till 4:00 pm......we run in cycles.......6 wks on - 6 wks off......first cycle starts May 9th....(thats when Neilson's starts back to work) cycles run from thursdays till wednesdays....
I hear they pay, (give a bonus for doing this) is it much $$$ ??? How they do it is a computer picks random phone numbers and an operator will call you to see if you would like to be part of the Neilson Family???? They might try to get you to do this again?

oh BTW- are you cable? or satalite? if your satalite I will NEVER even see your booklets....they have special people who do them.

I asked one of the supervisors if they ever got anyone who entered in watching playboy channel? :lol2: she said some people use them just like a personal diary and tell them, walked away from tv to go take a shit! :lol2:
We REALLY don't need to know that, just what programs you watch so we can credit that staion for your viewing........ :D
PT said:
Seriously? I mean, I think it's great that you got a job, but that? We are so backwards in our technology sometimes.

I was thinking the same thing when i started....but , its a job and someone has to do it...they do have boxes they put in people's homes and that monitors what they watch - after a couple months they pick them up-but Neilson's isnt like that.

Hey Les, Yep Off my feet, and i actually get real breaks and a lunch, not like where i was working here. :D
Mare said:
I hear they pay, (give a bonus for doing this) is it much $$$ ???
The lady on the phone told me they'd slip in $10.

How they do it is a computer picks random phone numbers and an operator will call you to see if you would like to be part of the Neilson Family???? They might try to get you to do this again?
Yeah, I got a call. It was at like 8:30 at night, which would be a bit surprising if she wwas on the east coast since that would make it 11:30 there.

oh BTW- are you cable? or satalite?
Basic cable. I'm too cheap to get the digital cable, and the few things I do watch are carried on Charter's regular package. Sometimes I think I should switch to Dish Network because their basic package is $31.99 a month and my bill for Charter is up to around $47 now after taxes... but there are a few channels I'd probably need the Top 120 for instead of the Top 60 package, and so I'd be paying about what I'm paying now.
That's great Mare, congrats. Don't put your new job down yet, it's good to work. So many people hate their jobs or are terrible workers. You should do your best no matter what it is. :)

I've had jobs that required a lot of data entry and boy did I get FAST at typing and using the number pad. I'm sure you will too, and you'll do just fine.
greenfreak said:
That's great Mare, congrats. Don't put your new job down yet, it's good to work. So many people hate their jobs or are terrible workers. You should do your best no matter what it is. :)

I've had jobs that required a lot of data entry and boy did I get FAST at typing and using the number pad. I'm sure you will too, and you'll do just fine.

OH....I hear ya....Its GR8 to be back in the workforce again.....I was going bonkers sitting here staring at 4 walls..... :D