government programs that work!

Sorry, I've been at work.

public and private partners working collaboratively to increase nationwide access to and demand for all forms of fruits and vegetables

We already have access & the demand is up to the consumer. We don't need more committee's.
Sorry, I've been at work.

We already have access & the demand is up to the consumer. We don't need more committee's.

poor excuse. try reading it for comprehension and not things to kneejerk too.

look, shiny object!!!!
It’s the governments job to tell you what to eat

If a hundred mil hasn’t gotten Americans
to eat their veggies then clearly we need
to spend more taxpayer dollars on this program.
hmmm. 12 views and no responses. must be too hard.

I've been busy also, but...
I look at this like most all past studies, and so-called findings....
Many times they'll say something is good for you, then they'll say it's bad later.

[tony sinclair]All things in moderation[/ts]
(with food)
come on you sissy-stomping conservatives... this is a beautiful meatball in a spoon coming right at your mouths... and it supports your point of view.

tony little says "you can do it!"

strange how soundbytes and silly pictures mean far more around here than a real example of government programs. cartoons and cheerleaders, but not substance...
poor excuse. try reading it for comprehension and not things to kneejerk too.

look, shiny object!!!!

LOOK!!!! 2minkey thinks I actually buy into his nonsesne. Comprehension? I did. I printed out the flaw & found no point in going further.

Government is not my mommy.
Ha Ha! Minx can't interpret visual cues, he needs it all spelled out for him.

at the top of the list, with "good grades" are the programs to get people to eat more produce. they've done a good job getting programs up and running. weeee!

tending toward the bottom of the list are behavioral indicators. which suggest that very little, if anything, has changed. adults eat LESS produce now.

so, while we can spend a bunch of money, get a bunch of t-shirts printed up with program logos to hand out to folks, and run a program to tell (the obviously ignorant or immorally lazy) people what to stuff their faces with... they don't really tend to change behavior in any significant way i.e. the programs don't do fuck all (other than drain government coffers).

sorry for the momentary break into rational thought. perhaps this will help you understand why some of us look down on the kneejerk brigade(s).

now, back to the regularly scheduled cheerleading.

starting to catch on? even if that were the case, the point lies elsewhere... it's not a universal indictment of all programs, though it certainly does invite level-headed scrutiny.

does the GI bill work? might be interesting to look into that, rather than kneejerk against it as a "government program." how about other loans/awards for schooling? DARE (i suspect not, but i would actually do some homework before pronouncing judgment)? for that matter, what about tax incentives?

okay, back to the cartoons.