Grad School!


New Member
My roomate was looking up pharmacy schools, which got me wanting to look at Graduate schools for history, when I came across this little number:

Anyone have any info from experience or any such thing? I already planned to meet with my advisor about it, and I emailed the college for more info. Whatver I can get will certainly help!

And I still need to figure out what the hell I can do with a doctorate in Southern History.
Don't listen to the business major ;)

Liberal Arts majors, good ones anyway, do just as well as any other major if they are as motivated. Communication is key; engineering majors, and to a lesser extent business majors, are often very bright yet lack the skills needed to project their ideas to others (this is obviously not always true). Also important, in my opinion, is that with liberal arts the student learns how to learn.

You can do anything you want with a doctorate in Southern History as long as you are motivated.
Museum curator, working for any number of federal agencies, library science minor opens doors in that direction...

I could appoint you Official Archivist at the Rebel Roost, but the pay sucks...

There are jobs in the field that pay well. Just make sure they're worth the expense of an additional degree.