

it's a pretty ridiculous film - half zombie movie, half musclecar/drivin' movie.

there's some gore but it's so cartoonish that it's not that gross. lots of good gags along the way. "fun and stupid" would be a good summary.

a fairly efficient waste of three hours. a great occasion for dispatching a box of sour patch kids.

it's something worth seeing, methinks.

and not just for rose mcgowan...

but for rosario dawson, too.
Definitely want to see it.

Who's this hottie?

Just saw it today finally. That it was great fun. The fake previews were even hysterical especially that Thanksgiving one.

There were a few things that bugged me in the second one. Like how they spent a bunch of time developing the girls characters then totally chucked them and brought in some new girls that you never saw before.

I'd to know how Rose was supposed to be firing her gun on her leg but I can overlook that.
Just saw it today finally. That it was great fun. The fake previews were even hysterical especially that Thanksgiving one.

There were a few things that bugged me in the second one. Like how they spent a bunch of time developing the girls characters then totally chucked them and brought in some new girls that you never saw before.

I'd to know how Rose was supposed to be firing her gun on her leg but I can overlook that.

it's a custom ar-15. there's a slim metal part thats been fitted. its proximal end is cleverly linked up to a stainless hoop piercing in an area that she had exceptional muscle control. it passes down her legstump, right under the buffer tube into the receiver, and then takes a downward turn to link up with the trigger mechanism and avoid interfering with bolt carrier.

or rose has super powers.

and i'm more inclined to believe the latter. isn't she just darling as a blond? (or a redhead? or a brunette?)