Grizzly Man


molṑn labé
Staff member

Take a latent homosexual, add in stupidity, a disrespect for wildlife & an ego big enough for Broadway & you have this eco-moron.

Discovery is showing this documentary.
At the heart of Grizzly Man is the spectacular footage of enormous grizzlies hunting, playing and fighting just feet from Treadwell and his camera. Treadwell shot these scenes over his last four visits to the Alaskan wilderness, apparently with the intention of creating a wildlife documentary. Even more fascinating, though, are the times Treadwell turns the camera on himself, alternately testifying to his almost religious love for the grizzlies and revealing less attractive, all too human emotions, including vanity, rage, paranoia and loneliness.

If Monty Python were to do a skit about a psycho enviromentalist, this would be it. He had no clue what he was doing & it's so spectaculary idiotic it's actually funny. He died for his lack of understanding that bears are not our friends.
I won't watch it. I find it silly. "I'm the only protection for these animals!"'s a fucking grizzly bear! What are you going to do?
You've got to watch it. It is so incredibly moronic you'll be rolling on the floor splitting your sides at the one liners this clown had. It's priceless.
Starya said:
Say what? :confused:

He thinks he likes girls. That's because he's still in the closet. (he fit almsot every stereotype known to homosexuality)
tonksy said:
He's got that M-O-O-N that spells Tom Cullen haircut.

Thank you for that. I quote that line every now and then and Rusty just stares at me. At least someone else knows where that came from. :D
The bear suspected of the killings was later shot by park officials.
Now why the hell would you do that? You're keeping this bear's territory protected to preserve the animals and because some idiot gets too close, you have to shoot the bear? WTF did the bear do besides act naturally?

Wildlife experts expressed concerns that by taking away the bears' natural fear of humans — and portraying the animals as cuddly companions — he was doing them more harm than good.
No good can come of humans encroaching on wildlife in this way and attempting to tame wild creatures. This isn't brain surgery.
"These bears love me. They're not gonna know what to do when I'm gone"
greenfreak said:

Thank you for that. I quote that line every now and then and Rusty just stares at me. At least someone else knows where that came from. :D
:D I love it when someone else recognizes it too.
Bears before Treadwell: Eat, sleep, mate, shit
Bears during Treadwell: Eat, sleep, mate, shit
Bears after Treadwell: Eat, sleep, mate, shit out Treadwell.