Winky Well-Known Member Jan 2, 2005 #1 RM has uncovered the true nature of the recent Asian disaster.
RM has uncovered the true nature of the recent Asian disaster.
ResearchMonkey Well-Known Member Jan 2, 2005 #3 Yes, yes its true. CBS should break the story as soon as they can confirm the authenticity of it with it with Micheal Moore
Yes, yes its true. CBS should break the story as soon as they can confirm the authenticity of it with it with Micheal Moore
Gonz molṑn labé Staff member Jan 2, 2005 #4 CNN will allow murders to happen if they can get an exclusive
PostCode Major contributor! Jan 2, 2005 #5 I knew we did it. Who took the super secret underwater radio remote controlled earthquate creator? Clinton did it...I bet Hillary pushed the damn button too.
I knew we did it. Who took the super secret underwater radio remote controlled earthquate creator? Clinton did it...I bet Hillary pushed the damn button too.