Guess what...?


New Member
...there's 70 shopping days left till Christmas!


(Do we have a Santie smiley...?)
But it's the best time of the year!!! :D

(although i'll be stuck in Greece on my own this year, boo)
Oh god ... already?!?

They have Halloween stuff up in the stores here ... that's not for another month!
I got an email in work today, asking for lists of people in Greece who should be sent Christmas cards by the bosses at home...
kuulani said:
Oh god ... already?!?

They have Halloween stuff up in the stores here ... that's not for another month!

'Cept for Ben Franklin where they have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas up all at once. So Hilo! :rolleyes:

Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me
all about the Lamanites from ancient history
long ago our fathers sailed from far across the sea
given this land if they live righteously...

unclehobart said:
can I get one without so many 'begats'? about a preachy book.

hmm.. I can get rid of the "begats" .. but I can't do anything about the "verilys" ...
Yey! I'll actually have money to buy people proper pressies this year! :headbang:

I usually just buy people stuff from Boots. Then that way I get the points on my Boots Card and can buy more presents with them.

I know. I'm a bad person. :smash2:
I'd love one of those politically correct bibles.
Instead of, " God in his fierce anger poured out his judgement upon the abomination of sodom"
it would be
"The higher power in his/her/its negatively focused determination poured out his/her/its judgement upon those individuals living an alternative but perfectly normal, healthy and acceptable lifestyle in the town of alternative lovin." :p
HeXp£Øi± said:
I'd love one of those politically correct bibles.
Instead of, " God in his fierce anger poured out his judgement upon the abomination of sodom"
it would be
"The higher power in his/her/its negatively focused determination poured out his/her/its judgement upon those individuals living an alternative but perfectly normal, healthy and acceptable lifestyle in the town of alternative lovin." :p

Ooooo, Ooooo...Has anyone ever seen the "Politically Correct Bedtime Stories" book? FU-NNY. An excerpt from "The Three Little Pigs"...

"Once there were three little pigs who lived together in mutual respect and in harmony with their environment. Using materials that were indigenous to the area, they each build a beautiful house. One pig built a house of straw, one a house of sticks, and one a house of dung, clay, and creeper vines shaped into bricks and baked in a small kiln."
PS I need all of the time I can get. I do most of my gift shopping online. I need lots of lead-in time.