
Was Tatiana a tiger in the literal sense? Or was she just a tiger between the sheets? Grrrr-owl :D
"Hey look. It's a tiger. Watch me piss it off." :rolleyes:

One of my basic rules for living is to never, ever antagonize anything that could actually eat me.
"Hey look. It's a tiger. Watch me piss it off." :rolleyes:

One of my basic rules for living is to never, ever antagonize anything that could actually eat me.

Saw that myself this morning. Guess they thought Tatiana was related to Tony, so taunting was required...
Justice has been served.

THINK man, don't knee jerk.....SLOW DOWN and think man!

It ain't over by a long shot! Not till those idiots and their families die out! They are American, ambulance chasers will pounce, lawsuits will ensue and zoo admissions will double....

More money for everyone involved! Money always trickles down Reganomics proved that! And after all it's all about how to make more bucks, faster and with less work isn't it?

That right there is where I am probably to the right of Hitler, the issue of frivolous lawsuits! Hopefully the judge who decides this one is with me!
New reports speculate the kid that died was sitting atop of the wall adjacent to the moat, (because of a shoe found nearby on the ground, and blood and shoeprints on the wall) the tiger crossed the moat, and when leaping to grab the kid hoisted herself up and over the wall.

The zoo officials said the tiger wasn't as physically fit as you would find one in the wild, but I still imagine the attack looked something like this:

Just saw this. Can anyone else smell a lawsuit coming, regardless as to whether a leg was dangling, or not?
Do you see how annoying he is getting to me?

Just cuz politically you agree with him is no excuse to ignore his side of it. As long as he makes a public show of ignoring me I am gonna keep sending it back.
It's not just this thread, chief. Looking over all your posts lately is actually making me genuinely concerned that you've relapsed or something.
I am not losing sleep over it to be sure, but it's fun to see him continue when you all know it's a sham. Well I'd give it a 99-1 odds on that anyway, but in the 1% chance he hates me so much he can't bear to read my posts, well than it's so pathetically hilarious it defies belief! It would be tantamount that I occupy a WAY TOO LARGE space in his head rent free! That's power BABY! Would have to mean I am making him see truths he cant cope with, which ultimately would be good, because I am sure he is an intelligent and normal enough guy that eventually it'll sink in and serve him later. If he's shut up about pubicly bragging about how he ignores me, I'd lose interest.

And one campaign promise, I will never again poke fun at him about it, EXCEPT, in direct response to him announcing once again that he is ignoring me. One for one....that's my game. Perhaps you should quote this post so he'll get my message, and not have to admit anything, if you are that bothered by it Inky. I haven't counted, but he's been going way out his way to announce it for some time now. Everyone knew it long ago already! The only motivation he could have to continue to do it, is to provoke me, or that he is so terrified y'all might forget it that he needs professional help.
I am not that violent, and likely I'd contain it but my point is, please don't call me "chief" it's condescending.

But as you can see i am easily provoked, I admit it, it's a fault and I work on it, but you got to see the humor in this if you can (between Gato and me). I think it's a hilarious study in human nature personally.