Gundy vs. the Media

I would almost feel bad for the kid in question as the analogy keeps wrapping back to a 'kid crying and running home to mama' and other juvenile stuff. Yeah.. its rough being so hard on a teenager and coaches need to lighten up a little... just a little.

That speech just made into my top five along side of 'Playoffs?! Don't talk about the playoffs!' of Jim Mora fame and the Cardinals coach going off over thier loss to Chicago last year. 'They are who we thought they were!... and we let em off the hook!'
Doubtful as it is college and not the pros. He does have the right temperment to take over at Tampa Bay though.
My personal faves from coaches:

1. John McKay, Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach, when after another blowout loss a reporter asked what he thought of his team's execution, replied "I'm all for it."

2. Lou Holtz while coaching at University of South Carolina engaging in his typical downplaying of his team's strengths: "We wouldn't be allowed to get on Noah's Ark...we ain't got two of anything!"

Gundy's rant was a thing of beauty though. Too many local reporters need to be reeled in. (No offense intended, Inky.)
Ditka- You see that buddy? (holds up a 'zero' finger symbol) That's your IQ!

Bobby Knight has had several blowups of note.
Too many local reporters need to be reeled in. (No offense intended, Inky.)

I HAVE to be reeled in. My paper does not have an AP subscription. If I end up in any coach's doghouse, or in the doghouse of the athletic director, I'm pretty much fucked.
So long as you keep it 70% statistical, 20% bleeding heart rah-rah, and only 10% commentary, you should be aok.
Actually... there was that one manager for the AAA (AA?) Braves last year that went absolutely apeshit and tore up half the field over a 10 minute period.
Wasn't that this season? The guy who crawled on his hands and knees and lobbed the rosin bag to home plate like a grenade, right? Or are you talking about the guy that kicked dirt over home plate and then got a bottle of water to clean it off? That guy was last year.
I love baseball. Seriously love it. I consider it the purest sport we have. I love the beauty of the stadium (assuming real grass here), the prowess of the fielders, the power and coordination of the hitters, the pinpoint control of a dominant pitcher. I love the fact that 60' 6" is the perfect distance for a breaking ball to handcuff a hitter, and that 90' is the perfect distance to make close plays at the bases. I love the absence of a game clock, the timelessness of the sport, and the traditions it holds.

Having said that, I have never been able to understand why managers arguing with umpires is not only accepted but expected and rewarded. No NFL coach would be allowed to throw the hissy fits MLB managers throw. If Phil Jackson were to act like Billy Martin the NBA would assassinate him. So why do fans applaud these tirades? Why does baseball's upper echelon continue to allow these useless outbursts? When was the last time a manager showing his ass like this rsult in a call being changed? Protesting a questionable call is one thing and should be allowed; I'd say one call a month or so actually gets reversed because of that. You'll see it on occasion...a home run called when the ball glanced off the top of the wall or something similar. But kicking dirt, lobbing rosin bag hand grenades, tearing up the bases and taking them into the dugout...all pointless.

Or does anybody else really give a flip?
absolutly pointless but that lobbing the rosin bag was just too funny. Everything else is a complete waste of time. Also don't they realize or care that they look like complete jackass' after their hissy fit.