Gunship video


Before it is asked, I have no idea how this was "brought out." This is the first video of its kind I have ever seen, and I have no idea on its origin, where exactly it is, but from the message board I read, it is to do with our attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The plane is an AC-130 Gunship firing artillery rounds, etc. (36 MB)

Seeing our military in action... rather incredible. Enjoy :)
DivX... get it at

What I found incredible is how they use artillery to fire at the terrorists. Artillery. :eek: I didn't even know that was possible. Not with that accuracy. They litterally put the explosion in front the guy in the direction he is running, timing it so that he will meet the shell at the same point and time.
From listening to them, this seems like an average afternoon stroll... Makes you wonder what they can do if they are really pissed off. Hehe.
I thought that was really honorable of them not to fire on the mosque, even though one of the guys ran inside. I mean, they could have just levelled the place I think, but instead they had the people run out and then took them out, as not to level the place of worship. Thumbs up. :)
I think they took their time to let the dust settle off so they wouldnt lose the heat signatures of the running people. I liked it at the end of the attack when they zero up into the guy that is barely crawling along... and drop a shell ... right.. onto .. his ... sad... little... ass. *gulp*
unclehobart said:
whoa ... remind me not to piss off the Air Force.

no doubt. :eek:

If one of those AC-130's flew over a football (US version) field with all guns firing, there would be a bullet in every square inch of the field after the fly-by. This, BTW, doesn't include the stands. Just the grassy area. ;)
We had the proto type in Nam. "Puff" (the magic dragon)c-130. They have to bank when they fire to counter the propulsion effect from the guns. The old version used mini-guns. Quite a sight at night with the tracers. it was like a beam of light from the dark sky.... :D
You're Air Force, aren't you Gato? If so, I'm REALLY SORRY about pissing you off in that duty thread. REALLY!
Jerrek said:
Before it is asked, I have no idea how this was "brought out." This is the first video of its kind I have ever seen, and I have no idea on its origin, where exactly it is, but from the message board I read, it is to do with our attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The plane is an AC-130 Gunship firing artillery rounds, etc. (36 MB)

Seeing our military in action... rather incredible. Enjoy :)

I'll check this out when I get home, or it's gonna take hours to download it to watch. :)