GW proponents smear noted GW skeptic


Well-Known Member
Save me the crap about the source. I've heard it all before so you will simply be wasting keystrokes that could be better used in meaningful :laugh5: debate ... er .. I mean snappy one-liners.

Global Smearing
By Steven Milloy
March 27, 2008

By any standard, atmospheric physicist Dr. S. Fred Singer is a remarkably accomplished scientist. But his outspoken questioning of global warming alarmism has just earned him one of the most outrageous mainstream media smear pieces I’ve ever seen.

ABC News reporter Dan Harris interviewed Dr. Singer for more than an hour at the recent International Climate Conference. From that interview, Harris produced a 3-minute TV broadcast and website article that was about as fair and objective towards Dr. Singer as I might expect Greenpeace to be.


Armed with a doctorate from Princeton University, Dr. Singer played a key role in the U.S. Navy’s development of countermeasures for mine warfare during World War II. From there, Dr. Singer went on to achieve fame in space science.

Some of his major accomplishments include: using rockets to make the first measurements of cosmic radiation in space along with James A. Van Allen (1947-50); design of the first instrument for measuring stratospheric ozone (1956); developing the capture theory for the origin of the Moon and Martian satellites (1966); calculating the increase in methane emissions due to population growth which is not key to global warming and ozone depletion theories (1971); and discovering orbital debris clouds with satellite instruments (1990).


Among his many prominent positions, Dr. Singer was the first director of the National Weather Satellite Center and the first dean of the University of Miami’s School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences. He’s also held many senior administrative positions at federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation and Department of Interior.

Despite this illustrious bio, ABC News’ Harris was apparently too busy swallowing the Greenpeace caricature of Dr. Singer to do any research on the actual man


In the eco-activist tradition of willful ignorance and ad hominem attack, Greenpeace’s Kert Davies said of Dr. Singer, “He’s kind of a career skeptic. He believes that environmental problems are all overblown and he’s made a career on being that voice.”

Right, Kert. Dr. Singer is just now making his career.


What about Davies’ qualifications and accomplishments? I couldn’t find them on the Greenpeace web site. I couldn’t find them through a Nexis search. Is it possible that their Internet absence is indicative of their general nature?

All that I could find out about Davies is that the media has often used quotes from him in the role of a spokesman for various eco-activist groups since the mid-1990s.

so, then, jim, what did you want to debate?

that greenpeace'll slant anything to fit their extant worldview and try to win converts, or at least help them believe their own identity trip?

what next? the shocking news that nell carter is fat?
I think Jim was making fun of this Mr. Singer guy for acting like some expert who will likely be proven wrong.
but certainly dr. singer is sinless and beautiful.

maybe i should start flaunting my own bullshit credentials and i'll get some grand suckoff, too.

"yes, i'm a doctor. a doctor of... love."
Singer could be full of shit; but that is yet to be proven. He certainly has better credentials than the opposition.

As to the debate, GW either exists or it doesn't. I say it does. However, I doubt very seriously that it is man made nor that man can do anything about it unless man is ready to put out the sun.

As to Greepeace, even the founder of Greenpeace has stated that GW is a farce.
GW ..I doubt very seriously that it is man made...

no kidding... strangely, after 16,832 similar posts i really hadn't noticed that that's your opinion.

As to Greepeace, even the founder of Greenpeace has stated that GW is a farce.

really? and i was about to apply for a bunk on the rainbow warrior, and purchase a leather head band and a smelly blanket to wear to fit the role. well sheeeit, that deflates that idea. i imagine when i tell all the other folks at the next rainbow gathering this, they'll be very disappointed. even the ones that collect welfare in both the US and canada will have their dreams of a better tomorrow shattered.
These experts with their unmitigated crap. :D

We will have to wait to see who is correct and who is not. The quarterly numbers are just over the horizon so let's see how well the "recession" is gouing, shall we?

As for GW, that will take a bit longer; but the eight year recorded global temps which show no warming over that time period tend to support Singer's side of the equation. It's gonna be a hoot if global cooling kicks in in a serious way.

I can just imagine Al Gore now: "I lead a carbon megatonnage lifestyle in an effort to combat global cooling."

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Not to be confused with Hyperbola.
Hyperbole (pronounced /haɪˈpɝbəli/ or "hy-PER-buh-lee"; "HY-per-bowl" is a mispronunciation) comes from greek "υπερβολή"=exaggeration and is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, and is not meant to be taken literally.
Hyperbole is used to create emphasis. It is often used in poetry and is a literary device.
Some examples include:
  • "He has a brain the size of a pea."
  • "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
  • "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times."
  • "She is one-hundred feet tall."
  • "Everything around me feels small."
Antonyms to hyperbole include meiosis, litotes, understatement, and bathos (the 'let down' after a hyperbole in a phrase).
Derived from the Greek ὑπερβολή (literally 'overshooting' or 'excess'), it is a cognate of hyperbola.
Singer could be full of shit; but that is yet to be proven. He certainly has better credentials than the opposition.


master's degree and a Ph.D. in Mathematics

The unabomber.

even accredited people can be batshit crazy.

(though I refuse to defend davies, cause greenpeace [FILL IN ALARMIST AND ARMAGEDDONIST FACTOID HERE]

link s you can get the "joke"