Had a car crash? It's all in the stars, study says


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Had a car crash? It's all in the stars, study says

By Naomi Kim Wed Dec 13, 7:59 PM ET

TORONTO, Dec 13 (Reuters Life!) - Never mind how careful you are behind the wheel or how long you've been driving, the signs of the zodiac may be bigger factors behind your ability to avoid car crashes -- or why you have too many.

According to a study by InsuranceHotline.com, a Web site that quotes drivers on insurance rates, astrological signs are a significant factor in predicting car accidents.

The study, which looked at 100,000 North American drivers' records from the past six years, puts Libras (born September 23-October 22) followed by Aquarians (January 20-February 18) as the worst offenders for tickets and accidents

Leos (July 23-August 22) and then Geminis (May 21-June 20) were found to be the best overall.

"I was absolutely shocked by the results," said Lee Romanov, president of Toronto-based InsuranceHotline.com, who also wrote the book "Car Carma" which touches on the correlation between astrological signs and driving ability while doing the study.

Romanov originally wanted to have some fun by examining astrological signs as a possible cause for the variance between insurance companies quoting high and low rates but didn't expect to find anything interesting.

"Now, changing postal codes is far less significant to me than drivers of certain astrological signs," she told Reuters on Wednesday.

Even age, another variable for determining insurance rates, is less of a consideration to Romanov. The cutoff line for being considered a higher risk driver is 24 years of age; 25-year-olds are considered not-high risk.

"I'd rather get into a car with a 24-year-old Leo than a 25-year-old Aries," Romanov said.

Leos, described along with the study results on InsuranceHotline.com/a10.html, are "generous, and comfortable in sharing the roadway."

Aries, on the other hand, "have a 'me first' childlike nature that drives Aries into trouble."

"I wasn't believing in it before," said Romanov, "but I would think twice before getting into a car with an Aries."

Nonsense? Perhaps, but the insurance companies have run with less before and gotten away with it.

Well, my Ex, Christina, was an Aquarius... and in the time we were going out, she got three tickets and had one accident. Admittedly, the accident was the other driver's fault. But still.
My mom used to have a Dodge Aries. She never wrecked it. Was she throwing off the curve?

Nonsense? Perhaps, but the insurance companies have run with less before and gotten away with it.

You can make statistics say whatever you want them to, can't you?

So, people that get their licenses in late fall or winter are more likely to have accidents than those who get theirs in late spring or summer. Is it just me that this seems obvious too?
I am aquarius. I've been driving for almost 10 years now, my stats are:

- Hit a cab on the back.
- Got hit by a truck on the side.
- Hit an object on the freeway (or highway or whatever it is the name for going from one city to another).
hey, i'm an aries :hmm:
im opposite of that study. i'm very courteous -- but still law abiding, i hate when people let courtesy get in the way of obeying the rules of the road -- and i hate conflict. if someone wants to go first, i let them. no fightingness.
but then again, i know few people who are 100% their signs. i'm aries in a lot of ways, but so totally not in a lot of other ways.