halloween candy!


New Member
this years offering:


allhallowseve.jpg, 137.87kb

whoreable said:
you give whole packs of gum???
slim jims?
and pringles??

you are the best.
I was scarred by all of the lame candies passed out in my hood when I was young. Nothing but mangled micro tootsie rolls and 5 gram Bit O Honeys... mayhaps the odd Reeces nugglet. I was determined to be known as 'that creepy guy that lives in the dark house who gives out awesome oversized halloween candies'. The kids show approval by only stomping half of my plants into mush instead of all of them.
no kidding... stomping plants is fun!!

if only more people gave out real junk food instead of crappy candy all my problems would be solved for like a month.

the worst house i remeber was right on my friends street...they gave out fruit. that had to be the stupidest idea ever..i mean shit they might as well have given out rotten eggs and toilet paper.
In my village houses and cars get egged on halloween, regardless of generosity. It ain't nice. Might as well be trick-or-trick. :(
Everyone does. There are 88 houses here. Half dont have kids and yet I give away over 400 pieces every year. I think they county busses them in or something. I have to hire like 4 friends for trash and crowd control.

Last year was pretty lame. Half of the boys just did the torn tshirt and white crap in the hair. I guess it was an EMINEM thing. 99% of the girls did the princess/fairy thing. I think I had one girl that was a cougar and one that was a skeleton.
HomeLAN said:
The Slim Jims just seem so out of place.
I have a small horde of borderline 12-14 year olds with a salt tooth running my streets. I almost bought champagne for the adults... but blew out the budget on the sugary stuff. I dont remember last year being this darn expensive.
Scanty said:
In my village houses and cars get egged on halloween, regardless of generosity. It ain't nice. Might as well be trick-or-trick. :(
I pull cans of silly string out of my shrubbery. Tennis balls, candy wrappers, shaving cream, cigarette butts, and costume remnants.
I wanna dress up this year. Or do something, anyway cos it's no fun anymore. I'll dress up as bjork. Kill a swan and wrap it round me or sumink. :D
i think the ozzy costume will be popular tis year. kids will be stumbing around muttering random shit you can't understand except the word fuck.
Scanty said:
I wanna dress up this year. Or do something, anyway cos it's no fun anymore. I'll dress up as bjork. Kill a swan and wrap it round me or sumink. :D
Just munch on the swan and tell people that you like your pate' 'from the tap'.