Happy birthday Cat..

OH MY MARE! We don't want him moshing at hia age!!! His bones are beginning to get brittle now...

:hug: I'm just joking hun!!! Have a great birthday!!!
Nixy said:
OH MY MARE! We don't want him moshing at hia age!!! His bones are beginning to get brittle now...

You may not know how close that statement really comes. :D
The first email I got about my birthday was from this board. I thought that was cool. :glasses:

So at 10:35am I'll be 39.
Oh, no I'm not crying because of my age. I like being this age.
I get more respect. :D
No, the crying is for my teeth. I'm gonna have 2 extractions today,
if I can get a dentist to see me.

Thanks or the well wishes everybody. ;)
catocom said:
No, the crying is for my teeth. I'm gonna have 2 extractions today,
if I can get a dentist to see me.
That sucks....Well, make sure the dentist makes it a really happy birthday! ;) Maybe he'll give you a complementary bottle of the stuff too! :D
Mirlyn said:
Maybe he'll give you a complementary bottle of the stuff too! :D

I kinda dout that, but maybe he will give me a prescription for some of the good pills. :D
I think I'm gonna need it.
I got an appointment for 2pm - starting at $300 for one friggin' tooth.
Put another candle in the birthday cake, but get a permit from the fire department before you light all those suckers. :lol:

Happy Birthday!
greenfreak said:
What's with you and fury having dental work done on your birthday? Yer both crazy, I tells ya.

When it's got to go, it's got to go. :brush:
And now it's gone. :D
No more PAIN. Woohoo.
And only costed me $170 :retard3:
greenfreak said:
Well I'm glad it's gone if you are! Did you get the good drugs at least?? They always help. :)

Nope, he didn't prescribe any.
It's really not bad though.
Way better that before I went.;)
I've got my regular pain pills for my arthritis anyway. :p