Happy Birthday K62!

Haha thanks guys :D

I am going to Florida next week! Being 20 doesn't do me much good there, drinking age is 21. Grr.

;) thanks again.
K62 said:
Haha thanks guys :D

I am going to Florida next week! Being 20 doesn't do me much good there, drinking age is 21. Grr.

;) thanks again.
oops. My math ain't so good today :p
I was thinking 30. :lol2:
Oh well, your better of not drinkin' anyway. :D
catocom said:
oops. My math ain't so good today :p
I was thinking 30. :lol2:
Oh well, your better of not drinkin' anyway. :D

Well, I still have this weekend :D

Here is my favourite bday present.

and it only took me till after 10 to see this. :blush:

Happy Birthday!!! *party*

*SO jealous of the rum :(