Happy Birthday Kruz!

So I hear it's your birthday
Who gives a shit?
Do you feel older?
You certainly LOOK it.
Did you get lots of presents?
A pinch to grow an inch?
Did you phone your Grandma
And thank her ... for the GIFT?
Well you can have your cake
And you can eat it too
I hope it's fake
And you live in a zoo
And you look a monkey
And you are one too!
Was anybody important born today
Or just you?
When you were born
The doctor slapped your mother!
On the day you were born
They invented the pill!
Did you get a Get Well card
From your sister or brother?
So I hear it's your birthday
Well, big fuckin' deal!

(Hee, sorry! That's just my favorite birthday song of all time. I only sing it to the people I like!) :D
Dang!!! Everyone on this freaking board was born in February except me, evidently. :D

Happy Birthday Kruz. :beerbang: