Happy Birthday PC Builder!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmph...He'd better start work on the next installment before he posts here again...;)

:hbd: *party*
And he better start working on more chapters of the bop vs pcbuilder series. :D

Crap, I missed my own party. Well, not irl at least. But I really missed this place. And at least once a week I told myself, "Self, you're going back to otc. They probably miss you." But then I'd get distracted by something and forget.

Also, I had more Bop vs. PCB strips planned out, but I can't find them anymore. I think I'm going to have to continue without them. Think I should expand the individual comics to like six panels or something? I thought about it before, but never really got around to it. For one thing, all the original files for the strip no longer exist I think. Unless I managed to burn them to a disk in the process of fixing my laptop. That's where I had been creating them.

Wow can I type or what? This is definitely the most I've put back into this site in a long time, but I hope to be back more often.

And I keep neglecting my webserver in general. I haven't updated a single page in months. Not to mention that problem I haven't fixed yet. Only because I actually know nothing about frames. If you access my blog from my site, you get it with the site menu at the top, like I had planned. But what I hadn't planned on or even known how to fix, was that when you try to use that menu, it just loads the page in that little space up there and not in the blog frame. So when I get around to it, I'm not going to try to use frames anymore. What I would like to do is have something in flash.

And maybe I should stop to start a whole new topic instead of putting this all into my birthday thread. Except now I don't think there's really anything else I want to say right now.

Oh well. :p