Happy Birthday to fury & Stop Laughing


Staff member


bdaysmile.gif, 0.91kb

Either pass any significant age milestones... 21, 30... ?

I'm dreading the 30 coming up in a few years. I feel old already. :(
heh, I'll never forget a friend of mine who passed a stone on a bus... somewhere between California and Mississippi. Everytime he started towards the back to take a whiz, people patted him on the back and wished him good luck.

Happy Birthday......Damn whippersnappers :p

Ya know when I was a kid, we actually had to get up off the couch to turn the channel. Had to walk to school barefooted, in the snow, up hill both ways.......

*goes into trance telling stories of how hard times were when I was young while everyone quitely scurrys away*