Happy Birthday to me.


Well-Known Member
Great day for 2nd decade's declarence ehh.

Bad news all day, worse feelings of inferiority, due to rushing all the work, all day and more unwanted work to troddle through causing me to stay up all night.

These "coming out of your mother" days seem to be getting less joyful by the year.

So heres to me and my moment of zen :drink:

sorry the day wasn't joyous... but I find that the more sharply defined joy becomes, the rarer it is... and the better it feels when it does arrive :hug:
Ms Ann Thrope said:

and the better it feels when it does arrive :hug:

I wish it would arrive more which is madness considering my life is peachy, but thats all there is...peachyness.

I guess I can not complain. My worst day is a dream for so many less fortunet people, but you'd think i'd have smiled once today simply for the sake of recognizing the comfort of my life and that it is the day of entry into the world.

I guess I am really mad at the fact it was nothing. Not uniquely sad, nor of memorable joy.
I know what you mean. I have a tendency to feel guilty for all the wonderful things in my life. When I get depressed I feel worse, because except for the accident of birth, I did nothing to deserve them. I have no advice to you except for three words I read a long time ago that seem to help me focus: be here now. Not any place specifically, but "here" as in the moment you are currently occupying, regardless of where that may be. Happy Birthday, IdleChild.
It's your day of birth after another year lived. You can reflect, critique and come up wanting, you can reflect, re-live and re-evaluate, or you can reflect, remember and find satisfaction in the lessons learned. It's all a matter of your perceptions.

Of course my perceptions usually tell me to go out and get stinking drunk, so what the hell do I know? :D

Edited to add: Crap! Forgot to say Happy Birthday, Dammit! :hbd:
sucky birthdays suck...

but Happy Birthday anyway...you made it intact through another year *party*
Happy Birthday. I'm sorry it wasn't as good as it could've been. Unfortunately, once you start getting older, they all tend to run in together, and you forget yer age, but oh well. I guess that's why they invented alcohol. :)

*puts virtual birthday-ish smilies here as pages are all loading REALLY slowly so I can't be arsed waiting for the smiley window to load up (plus my internet keeps dropping:grumpy: )*
happy bob day!
that's what birthdays are for IMO...celebrating you and the fact that we are lucky enough to have you around...that being said, mine always suck. :eh:
Happy/moderately fun/melancolic/depressive birthday! Now go out, get drunk, and forget this day ever took place.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know how you feel, i had a really sucky birthday too. It's just better to forget it at times. Sorry your day sucked!