Happy birthday!!


Southern Discomfort
Happy birthday wishes are in order to my beloved companion for the past 7 1/2 years....

Elvis, my Basset Hound, so named because in reality he ain't nuthin' BUT a hound dawg, turns 9 today.

Hey, out here in th' sticks, we'll take purt' near any reason we find for a party... :D



*passes Elvis some homemade doggie biscuits without making him sit for them first*
unclehobart said:
Does he bark at the slightest movement or sound?

Boooooor!! ... BOooooHhrhrhrhrhoooooorrrr!!

AND just to hear himself bark.

He is one spoiled dog. He will get a pigs ear and maybe I will cook him up some liver :sick4:.
Nothing in this world quite sounds like a Basset's bark. One of the reasons I love the guy so much.

I sincerely hope there is not one thing unique or special about my dog as relates to the breed as a whole; I hope they are all just like him. If so, I'd never own another breed.

God, I love that dog...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Nothing in this world quite sounds like a Basset's bark. One of the reasons I love the guy so much.

I sincerely hope there is not one thing unique or special about my dog as relates to the breed as a whole; I hope they are all just like him. If so, I'd never own another breed.

God, I love that dog...

Good thing he's not a basselope, eh? :grinno:
Give Elvis a hug for me, SN'P. :)

I was a Bloom County addict, also. Along with Calvin and Hobbes. Sure miss both those strips.

At least Opus has returned on Sunday. :)