Happy Canadain Pirates Day!


Well-Known Member
Last friday I decided to start acting like a pirate. Fridya and Saturday I made a funny pirate laugh. Then I started to say "Ahoy matey" instead of "hey man" OS this morning my friend and I decide that we are Canadain Pirates. So we spend the day going around saying "eh, matey?" and "shimber me timbers' and "I be a Canadian Pirate" So at lunch we decided to make a Canadian Pirate day. I went around telling everyone, writing "Happy Canadian Pirate Day" on the boards and addressing my teachers as "Aya aye Captain"
I wrote a Canadian Pirate Poem too:
Argh matey
Pirates aren't very stately
Some pirtaes live in Haiti
They have wives named Katie
They know how to sail
They don't deliever your mail
When the boat is full of water they have to bail
None of them have a tail
Pirates are cool
They have dogs that like to drool
They don't have a pet mule
If you don't like them you are a fool!

So mateys, what do you think of this whole "Canadian Pirate Day". Load of nonsense, eh?
Silly Altron!!!

It is too cold for pirates here! It is all ice and igloos! Where would they put their ships?

The pirates only live in Canada when it is warm. When it is cold they go to the Gulf of Mexico, where it is warm :D
That's the worst poem I've ever read. You should post it in the Creative Arts forum so everyone can say how awful it is.
Ardsgaine said:
That's the worst poem I've ever read. You should post it in the Creative Arts forum so everyone can say how awful it is.

So how about you post something good?