Happy Father´s Day late


Happy Father's Day late

I hope all the fathers had a good day. We don't pay proper attention to Father's Day often like we do with Mother's Day. For me it was a bit of a bummer having lost my father last October. Makes me wish I'd paid more attention to him on Father's Day while he was alive. Anyway I hope y'all had a great day.
we went out with my missus' dad [it was her birthday too] and hiked out to a waterfall deep in the brecons. it was really full with the rain of the last few weeks but you could still walk behind it.

i have my dad a card, but i've not sent it yet ;)
My father died almost 3 years ago, i didn't even knew that yesterday was father's day.

I hope all dadies have had a great time.
i was very touched yesterday when my godson's mum sent me a god-father's day e-card. i must be doing something right... :)