Hard disk in w2k


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
Is there a size limitation for windows 2000 server? I have a raid 5 configuration and 170gig of space.
can windows 2k handle a single volume of this size?
I'm pretty sure 170 Gig is ok, If I remember right, Ntfs goes up over a terabyte in one volume.

Ok, squigg, I was thinking you were saying size doesn't matter at all on a Mac.
in NT4 you had to have a 2 gig main partition to install the operating system. and the reast for storage. I am trying to get away from having seperate partitions in 2k and am wondering if it is possible with a frive of this size?
the problem i have is when i install i get all the way to the part where it deletes the redundant files and cleans itsself up. and then it saves. well at the save it locks up. I have tried to reinstall 5 times and it locks at the same place everytime.:confuse2:
Windows 2000 does not care what size your primary partition is. If you formatted your disk using NTFS, Windows will support volumes of up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 clusters. That is about 64 exabytes (1 exabyte = 1,024 petabytes, 1 petabyte = 1,024 gigabytes). So, 170 GB is really not much. In any case, I have a 180 GB disk, and it shows up as 171.6 GB. No problems.

I don't know where your problem is though. Sorry.
actually, reading around, i dunno now if thats the case, best option i see is to use a slipstreamed SP3 Win 2k Advanced server disc, i'm sure i've done bigger arrays without messing aroud with the registry.
Squiggy said:
I have a Mac...Size doesn't matter...
Typical Crapple cop-out. I bet Macs can't even swallow, let alone swallow one that big. :beerbang:

Stupid frackintoshes :lol:
Sam, are you running that raid off the motherboard, or
a card?
If a card, what do you have there?
ok the goes as follows scsi raid 5400s
tyan s2507 motherboard.
finally after 2 hours on the phone with adaptec, upgrading the bios again from both manufactures they tell me the raid card is fine but i have just informed them that they need to add a compatibility issue to their database.
So i ask in a polite way where this list is on the net. ONLY to be informed that it is for their use only not the public.
also i get no return on the raid card.
So im pissed as hell cause now im looking at having to spend 2000.00 for a motherboard, processors, and ram upgrade.
Or i can have a really cool 1000.00 paperweight.
My question to them was "How is any system builder able to reliably build a system when the compatability list cant be viewed?"
I have yet to get an answer on this.:mad: :grumpy: :mad: :grumpy: :mad: :grumpy: :grumpy:
Careful there, whoreable, wouldn't wanna pop a vein now :lol:

That does kinda suck, though.