Has the pendulum gone far enough yet?


Southern Discomfort
from tonguetied.us (as usual, BoP...)

Southern Illinois University's least favorite professor, Jonathan Bean, is being blamed by his colleagues for ratting out the school about its inability to find qualified white males for graduate fellowships, according to the Southern Illinoisian.

The Justice Department has put the Carbondale University on notice that the hiring practices for its three graduate fellowships discriminate against white males and "non-preferred minorities" in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The DOJ says it will sue SIU unless it cleans up its act. None of the 120 or so fellowships awarded in the past few years went to white males.

Some faculty members believe it was Bean who contacted the Center for Equal Opportunity, which brought the issue first to the attention of the school (and got no response) and then to the feds.

Bean, who would not comment on the matter, gained fame earlier this year for distributing reading material in class about 1960s black radicalism that made two teaching assistants uncomfortable.


"...that ALL men are created equal..."

Yeah, right. Not anymore they ain't.
Has the pendulum gone far enough yet? Not until they have legislated that all living rooms be painted Barbie Pink.
unclehobart said:
Has the pendulum gone far enough yet? Not until they have legislated that all living rooms be painted Barbie Pink.

Nope. :grinno: You have to give me my stuff. :grinyes: It doesn't have to be all cash..CD's and Bonds work for me, too. :D