Hasselbeck to Branch.....Touchdown!

Chargers turn it over on downs to the almighty Seahawk D!

If this is any indicator we are in for a wonderful season here in Seattle.

Admittedly LT wasn't in so there is an * by it. But their whole first string D was in when we fed it to them!
Keep in mind, though, that the Raiders won four of five preseason games last year, and the Colts have won one preseason game the last two years.
Its almost amusing watching preseason football. 2/3 of the teams are just going through 80% motions just to test out new offensive/defensive schemes while the other 20% are going all out try to impress the coaches and securing a backup slot or even a starting position. Lord knows all teams are at least 10 people over their roster limits and the trimming will have to start soon.
What counts is how easily we scored on Merriman and company (our #1 O against their #1 D). And yet their #1 O stayed on 2x as long yet couln't score at all on our #1 and #2 D. Granted LT wasn't playing, but his backup averaged more yards per carry than he did last year and he couldn't help them score either. Obviously a preseason victory is meaningless, but there was much to be encouraged about from a Seahawks fan's perspective.
What counts is how easily we scored on Merriman and company (our #1 O against their #1 D). And yet their #1 O stayed on 2x as long yet couln't score at all on our #1 and #2 D. Granted LT wasn't playing, but his backup averaged more yards per carry than he did last year and he couldn't help them score either. Obviously a preseason victory is meaningless, but there was much to be encouraged about from a Seahawks fan's perspective.

Slow down and read the post....
What counts is how easily we scored on Merriman and company (our #1 O against their #1 D). And yet their #1 O stayed on 2x as long yet couln't score at all on our #1 and #2 D. Granted LT wasn't playing, but his backup averaged more yards per carry than he did last year and he couldn't help them score either. Obviously a preseason victory is meaningless, but there was much to be encouraged about from a Seahawks fan's perspective.

Consider this point as well.

All the same it was a good game for us. Did you even watch it?
I missed the first qtr getting the kids to nod off... but, yeah.. I watched it. It was mildy sloppy in many ways for both sides until late in the third... then Seattle really tightend up in passing and running.

Frankly, of the four games I've seen so far:
Too many fumbles.
Too many sloppy hikes from center
Kickoff defenses letting too many 30+ yd runbacks through
Lots of deep penetration from speed running backs
Brilliant field goal kicking
I must admit our last game (at Green Bay) was a dismal failure. God help us if Walter Jones goes down, the guy who played in his stead could get beat by my grandmother and she's dead.
Can't really say much about our preseason so far, not many guys are playing for anything, all 3 quarterbacks are set (when's the last time us Bears fans could say that?), and the starters and immediate backups are set. One key to this season will be Dusty Dvoracek, the DT replacing Tank Johnson. I remember him making an impression last preseason only to get hurt and miss the whole season; fortunately the front line of Tank and Tommie Harris were stellar enough that his loss wasn't costly. Grossman's still a concern, especially his alarming fumble rate of the snap (we saw more than enough of that in February). Are we in for a another roller coaster ride with him? Griese looked solid against the Colts, but Grossman really does have a lot more upside than Griese. I should be thankful that the second best team in our division has Tarvaris Jackson at QB. :D