Hate crime...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I think yes. Every last one of those hoodlums needs to be run through the court system as roughly as possible under the law. There's never a need for what they did.
I'm glad to see them looking onto it but a crime is a crime. Hate or no.
Still say the death penalty needs to be expanded

What it needs is carried out.

Ever read The Stand? Remember when Lloyd was first in jail, and that lawyer talked to him and explained the appeal process? THAT'S what we need. One appeal, within a month of sentencing, and when it's denied, yer toasted within two weeks.
What it needs is carried out.

Ever read The Stand? Remember when Lloyd was first in jail, and that lawyer talked to him and explained the appeal process? THAT'S what we need. One appeal, within a month of sentencing, and when it's denied, yer toasted within two weeks.

I think if the person is without a doubt guilty ie. caught on film, there should be no appeal process.

If it is not caught on film, but is found guilty beyond a resonable doubt a special group of investigators should have on year to look into it and make sure there was no other option for guilt, after 365 days...
If it is not caught on film, but is found guilty beyond a resonable doubt a special group of investigators should have on year to look into it and make sure there was no other option for guilt, after 365 days...

No, cos humans are still culpable. Unless it's caught on film or equivalent (able to be corroborated by 2 or more witnesses, then there's no 100% guarantee is there?

The Thin Blue Line
But what would Jesus do?

Exactly spike....That's the most important question that could be asked IMHO. I mean this country is made up mostly of christians and "christians". and based largely on christian values.

Because most "christians' would say:

"christian": Execute the (racial slur ommitted)!

(yes I know MOST "christians" are not racist, but many are, and outrage brins out even the slightest tendency)

markjs: But what about "Thou shalt not Kill"? Don't you even believe your own bible?

"christian" (if he was honest which is highly unlikely): It also says "ane eye for an eye" and I only use the scripture that supports my will in the matter because gods will is something I know nothing about really....

IMHO, it IS a hate crime, and should be prosecuted as such, but the death penalty is immoral, and many times death rwo inmated are found innocent long after their conviction and unfortunately it can't be taken back. Jesus would NEVER condone capital punishment, and if you think different, you are sadly mistaken.
No last I checked it said kill...Did the religious right rewrite that already like the want to with the constitution?
Oh and what do you call it when they execute a man who is later proven innocent? I call that murder and every prosecuter, and detective who worked the case should be executed in retribution, if your logic was actually logical....
The Hebrew version, where it comes from it specifies murder. Yes, one of them non Catholics did a rewrite. (Luther? King James? Bob the Builder?)

Oh and what do you call it when they execute a man who is later proven innocent?

A failure in the system.

If he was duly tried & convicted by a jury of his peers & later found innocent, then it shows that it's not a perfect system. Wanna bet for every one that is incorrectly convicted there are 100 that wallk?
....for every one that is incorrectly convicted there are 100 that wallk?

That is exactly what the founding fathers wanted.
Can't remember the exact quote or who said it but something like:

Better a guilty man walk free than an innocent man condemned.

The system is purposely stacked in favor of the accused. I know conservatives pretend to love the constitution, but this is one of the many issues where their true colrs show....

Capital punishment is not justice, it's state sponsored revenge, and if you asked Jesus, he'd tell you to knock it the fuck off.

Of that I have absolutely no doubt....
The Hebrew version, where it comes from it specifies murder. Yes, one of them non Catholics did a rewrite. (Luther? King James? Bob the Builder?)

That's another one of the many points that makes the "infallible word of god" myth as laughable as it is....

If it was infallible how could this mini argument ever have been made possible?

Who knows what it said on the stone tablet before it was translated to the more modern Hebrrew of the bible?
I also happen to know that Jesus was big on sinners repenting and changing their ways. I am just such a sinner who had this chance and have a year of doing the right thing best I can behind me. If a guy murders someone, and truly repents in his heart, any true Christian would want that man spared of state sponsored revenge.

I know of some case in Texas where a lot of Christians and "christains" alike wanted the death penalty commuted to a life sentence, because the woman had been on drugs and under the influence of a bad man. In my mind the right thing happened and they executed the bitch.

Why was that the right thing if I persoanlly am anti death penalty? Because she was guilty by her own admission, and most of those "christians" and Christians believe in the death penalty. You can't have it both ways and not be a hypocrite. Should we just let them pass a polygraph and if they are sorry allow them to get off the hook?

The bottom line is a life sentence is a hell of a hard punishment. It's economically cheaper than a death penalty case, and it allows for repentance as Jesus would have wanted were he here to say so. Its also can at least be cut short should the accused later be proven innocent, and wrongly convicted. Especially heinous killers should be sent to a supermaxx facilty. Those places are a living hell, I have seen the documentaries, and I have a friend who was incarcerated in one. Supermaxx is a fate worse than death.

Being pro death penalty is anti Christian, simple as that. How do I know? well is doesn't pass the litmus test in any way that I can see.

The Bible said:
Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.