Hate Propaganda


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Does it serve any real purpose, but to reinforce the ignorant stereotypes we already possess?

In and earlier thread about muslims said all sorts of things about no outrage against things, when a simple google search showed there was outrage. S'n'P knows first hand how propaganda can change people outlook on you. I get email about the "evils" of the confederate battle flag. Lat night I received a fax at work all about the evils of jews, and how they have a plan to wipe out the white man (using the mongrel blacks as our army of course).

What is the purpose of it, if not to make the us and them line ever bigger. It seems we are going backwards, instead of forwards even with this information highway, part of the problem is we are so indoctrinated we WANT TO beleive it, it makes life easy having and entire group to hate. What ever happened to critical thinking, to overcoming the biases of our ancestors. We need to THINK instead of being led to conclusions.

repeat after me:

-Not all southern white guys are klan members
-Not all black guys are criminals
-Not all Germans are Nazis
-Not all jews are cheap/running the worldwide media conspiracy
-Not all the people from San Fransico are gay
-Not all christians are wingnuts
-Not all muslims support terrorism
paul_valaru said:
We need to THINK instead of being led to conclusions.

repeat after me:

All people are sheep
All people are sheep
All people are sheep
I'm the big bad wolf.
evils of jews, and how they have a plan to wipe out the white man (using the mongrel blacks as our army of course).
How's that workin' out for ya? ;)
Professur said:
repeat after me:

All people are sheep
All people are sheep
All people are sheep
I'm the big bad wolf.

All people are sheep
All people are sheep
All people are sheep
I'm the big bad wolf

HEY wait a minute!

my what big teeth i have
-Not all southern white guys are klan members
-Not all black guys are criminals
-Not all Germans are Nazis
-Not all jews are cheap/running the worldwide media conspiracy
-Not all the people from San Fransico are gay
-Not all christians are wingnuts
-Not all muslims support terrorism

repeat after me:

-all southern white guys are klan members
-all black guys are criminals
-all Germans are Nazis
-all jews are cheap/running the worldwide media conspiracy
-all the people from San Fransico are gay
-all christians are wingnuts
-all muslims support terrorism

All true statments...

paul_valaru said:
What is the purpose of it, if not to make the us and them line ever bigger.

it's so dumbasses can assert an identity when they have little else to distinguish themselves. the good news is that dumbassitude is an equal-opportunity employer.