
New Member
Prof, hope you don't mind me stealing your idea :)
Merriam Webster Dictionary said:
Main Entry: HATE
Pronunciation: 'hAt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kEdos care
Date: before 12th century 1 a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : LOATHING -had a great hate of hard work-
2 : an object of hatred -a generation whose finest hate had been big business -- F. L. Paxson
Merriam Webster Dictionary said:

Merriam Webster Thesaurus said:
Synonyms: abomination, abhorrence, aversion, detestation, hatred, horror, loathing, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion
Related Word: animosity, animus, antipathy, hostility, ill will, rancor; disgust, scorn, spite
Who do you hate and why?
I used to be full of hate, even against myself, but not anymore, i've become indifirent to certain situations and persons.
Who do I hate? That's tough. I'd have a hard time saying I honestly hate anyone.

I tend to reserve 'hate' and apply it only to myself. I get angry, upset, disappointed at others, but I only 'hate' myself for allowing myself to be in that position....

and I seem to hate myself quite often....:crying3:
i hate characteristics in people....conceit, cruelty...i can only think of one individual for whom i have a slow, seething, absolute hate for...but that was years ago.
PT said:
Who do I hate? That's tough. I'd have a hard time saying I honestly hate anyone.

Okay, but lots of people piss me off on a regular basis.
I suppose I don't neccessarily hate any certain person. None that come to mind, anyway. But I do hate certain things. For instance, I hate it when drivers do not use proper turn signals. What, they can't keep their blinker fluid in check? Seriously.
People, in general, aren't worthy of hate. It takes too much emotion & enegy to hate. If they are that bad, kill 'em or forget 'em.

Stupidity, ignorance, dishonesty. Thise are worthy.
Hmm, there was a period in my life when I really hated the world......I was the kinda person who would kick someone in the head just for lookin' at me the wrong way. Luckily I had a good, and patient, buncha friends around me .......... and they helped me pull myself out of that mental state.

These days I don't hate anyone......... that emotion seems to have been burned outa me :)
None. To hate is bad for those who hate.The sick feelings can bring you many undesireable diseases to begin with.
Rose said:
I suppose I don't neccessarily hate any certain person. None that come to mind, anyway. But I do hate certain things. For instance, I hate it when drivers do not use proper turn signals. What, they can't keep their blinker fluid in check? Seriously.

blinker fluid? :confused:

Along the lines of what Gonz said: why hate? most people arent worthy of hate. those people who deserve your hate by definition arent worth it because they are just scum. and i believe once you give in to hate you have truly lost the war. if someone hates me it doesnt effect me. but it eats at them night and day. i would consider that a victory honestly. not that i WANT to be hated but for some people just the way you are pushes you right in the middle of their loath radar.
Linkin Park said:
Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break
I need a little room to breathe
Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break
That puts it rather nicely. I hate so many people, i've taken so much shit. The next person to attack me is going to wish he was never even born.
My hormones are bubbling up again... Does it show?
There are some dumb fucks that irritate the hell out of me, and generally, I don't tend to hate someone, unless his name is JD and he's from New Jersey... :behead: :whip: :smash2: :cutup: :cuss: :hangman: