Have you ever ...


Well-Known Member
.. experienced this:

You walk into a public bathroom and someone's obviously had a bowel movement very recently in there ... the smell is almost over bearing but, because you have to use the bathroom, you just hold your breath and take care of business. You're the only one in the bathroom and, just as you're leaving, someone walks in ... now you're thinking, "I bet they think it was me who just stunk up the place" and you're dying to tell them it wasn't you .. but you just hang your head and leave ..

Man, I hate that ...
nalani said:
.. experienced this:

You walk into a public bathroom and someone's obviously had a bowel movement very recently in there ... the smell is almost over bearing but, because you have to use the bathroom, you just hold your breath and take care of business. You're the only one in the bathroom and, just as you're leaving, someone walks in ... now you're thinking, "I bet they think it was me who just stunk up the place" and you're dying to tell them it wasn't you .. but you just hang your head and leave ..

Man, I hate that ...

All the time, but thats just me.
nalani said:
.. experienced this:

You walk into a public bathroom and someone's obviously had a bowel movement very recently in there ... the smell is almost over bearing but, because you have to use the bathroom, you just hold your breath and take care of business. You're the only one in the bathroom and, just as you're leaving, someone walks in ... now you're thinking, "I bet they think it was me who just stunk up the place" and you're dying to tell them it wasn't you .. but you just hang your head and leave ..

Man, I hate that ...

Nope. My shit doesn't stink... :grinno: :lol:
nalani said:
.. experienced this:

You walk into a public bathroom and someone's obviously had a bowel movement very recently in there ... the smell is almost over bearing but, because you have to use the bathroom, you just hold your breath and take care of business. You're the only one in the bathroom and, just as you're leaving, someone walks in ... now you're thinking, "I bet they think it was me who just stunk up the place" and you're dying to tell them it wasn't you .. but you just hang your head and leave ..

Man, I hate that ...

yeh, i know what you mean, it's happened to me too and it's so embarassing.
well we know it sometime s smell, but while using public restrooms, it would be polite to take that dead reacoon out of your ass beforehand

(it was a sign we put in our bathroom at work, old people poop REALLY stinks..must be the cabbage)
man...i hate that...i always just bring it up, wrinkle my soe and say, "stinks in here, huh?"...makes me feel better anyway :shrug:
It's not a huge deal among guys. Sometimes a guy will ask what died, but then the guys will share a laugh about it.
In the can, I can deal with. Try this:

Get into an elevator that someone just violated with gaseous death. Ride it down 2 floors, gasping for air. Get out, grateful to have survived. Catch the eye of the guy getting on just as the door closes, in time to see the reproachful look.

Finish your break, go back upstairs, and your next meeting is with whom? You guessed it.

One more reason I'm glad I quit smoking. No more elevator rides on breaks.
Inkara1 said:
It's not a huge deal among guys. Sometimes a guy will ask what died, but then the guys will share a laugh about it.
Exactly, when we get the "Did YOU do that?" we take it more as a matter of pride.

YES, I stunk up the bathroom!
*Beats chest.