have you seeen what the primary

system specs could be for windows vista, i was like :eek2: :eek2: then :mad: they are 512meg-1gifg of ram, a high end 32bit or a 64bit or a dual core, a hdd with 7200rpm 2meg buffer , (recommanded) 8 meg buffer or SATA, 64meg video card or higher that is compable with direct 9.0, i was like :mad: windows is not suppose to use ALL THE FUCKING REsoures, that is what the programs are for and games, i swear people are getting more and more :retard2: and they want the pretty 3d alt+tab i am like :mad: do you need 2 alt+tabs for, plus a live preview at the bottom :mad: yes i can se bumping the sysspecs up a little but not 512meg-1gig plus all the other suff :mad: