HD-DVD somewhat cracked, but not. First movie on bittorrent already

Luis G

Staff member
The pirates of the world have fired another salvo in their ongoing war with copy protection schemes with the first release of the first full-resolution rip of an HD DVD movie on BitTorrent. The movie, Serenity, was made available as a .EVO file and is playable on most DVD playback software packages such as PowerDVD. The file was encoded in MPEG-4 VC-1 and the resulting file size was a hefty 19.6 GB.

This release follows the announcement, less than a month ago, that the copy protection on HD DVD had been bypassed by an anonymous programmer known only as Muslix64. The open-source program to implement this was called BackupHDDVD and was released in a manner designed to put the onus of cracking on the user, not the software. To extract an unencrypted copy of the HD DVD source material required obtaining that disc's volume or title key separately, which the software did not do. However, a key was later released on the Internet, and a method for extracting further keys is allegedly available as well.

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Why keep trying to copy protect? It pisses off those of us who wish to backup our legitimate purchases & it keeps the hackers busy breaking their R&D.
I know, it really is annoying. But the companies think that with DRM they'll stop piracy and therefore increase their sales :lol:
Apparently, they cracked it a little further:

Blu-Ray AND HD-DVD broken - processing keys extracted

Arnezami, a hacker on the Doom9 forum, has published a crack for extracting the "processing key" from a high-def DVD player. This key can be used to gain access to every single Blu-Ray and HD-DVD disc.

Previously, another Doom9 user called Muslix64 had broken both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD by extracting the "volume keys" for each disc, a cumbersome process. This break builds on Muslix64's work but extends it -- now you can break all AACS-locked discs.

AACS took years to develop, and it has been broken in weeks. The developers spent billions, the hackers spent pennies.

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Yeah he made quite a thing to make this possible, but there's also credit to give to Arnezami for this last upgrade to the ripping ;)
AACS took years to develop, and it has been broken in weeks. The developers spent billions, the hackers spent pennies.

Is anyone surprised?

Sooner or later they'll get it & stop trying to stop us from backing up our property.
Raise the Jolly roger!


looks almost like the exact inverse of your av ...:D

... so you against 'home taping' then?