He must have worked for "them"


molṑn labé
Staff member
A Pulitzer Prize administrator announced today the 1932 award to a New York Times reporter accused of ignoring Stalin's forced famine will not be revoked.

"The board determined that there was not clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception, the relevant standard in this case," said a statement from Sig Gissler, according to the Associated Press.

Duranty's writing about Stalin and the U.S.S.R. has received widespread condemnation for his covering up the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33, which killed as many as 7 million people, and other Soviet atrocities. His Pulitzer actually was awarded for writing he did in 1931.

:D You must be road drunk or summat. The famine was in 32-33 and the writing he received the award for was in 31...whats the problem?
Not arguing his usefullness as a human.....Just that the award was given for something prior to the reason they want it revoked. Makes no sense. Thats like taking away Edward Morrow's accalaids for not reporting the Berlin wall falling...
He continued to cover up knowedge of the artificial famine WELL after his Pulitzer. He actively discredited other writers for attempting to draw the world's attention to Stalin's crime against Ukraine. Had he come out and admitted that his initial report was incorrect, I might feel differently. As it is, I consider him to be a pitiful excuse for a human being. :disgust:
Sheesh...Now your asking ME to assess the mans writing. Evidently it was good enough to earn the award. Look at how many war mongering national leaders have been given the peace award for finally agreeing to negotiate the end to a war...:shrug: