Health insurance redux; The respite?


Too cute for words
To all employees:
We have just received notification that St. Thomas Health Services has agreed to extend their termination through June 30, 2003 instead of May 12, 2003. The hope is that a new agreement will be in place no later than July 1, 2003.
We will keep you posted.

Does anyone besides me smell :bs: ?
It's simple really. You've got a hospital that knows it doesn't have to bargain. If they lose the contract, most of the people will still go there and either pay full price or they'll get different insurance and still go there. The insurance company on the other hand has no leverage to pull on this one, so they will probably end up caving and taking whatever the hospital is offering, cause they know if they don't, all these people will be dropping their insurance like a hot potato. Now to figure out which is more corrupt, the Hospital or the Insurance co. could work out to your advantage.

What did your wife say about it?
I don't see how it can work out in my favor. I'll either continue to have the same coverage, or I'll lose coverage at the local hospital. As for my wife, she suggested (as she does every time she sees my prescirption co-pays) that she put me on her insurance. Since This costs $140 a month, and my copays are $20 a month on each of two prescriptions, I fail to see how she could in any way consider this cost effective (my insurance is free for me) but she brings it up every other month or so. :shrug:

Of course, it has gotten me thinking about looking for a new job, and these assholes haven't given me a raise in two years (they're pretty good at giving me more responsibilities though).:disgust:
Well, have you looked at the other benefits of her Insurance though, generally healthcare workers have damn good plans. It may not pay for it up front but it could easily pay for it if something happens.
Blue Cross Blue Shield, PT. Nothing special at all. They used to have an excellent plan, but it got dropped the first of the year. I carry her on my vision coverage, they even dropped that.
Damn, that sucks. Pretty damn bad when even the healthcare workers are getting crappy health insurance.