Healthcare Cost Projections Upped


Well-Known Member
Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more in discretionary spending over ten years than the original cost projections.

The additional spending — if approved over the years by Congress — would bring the total estimated cost of the overhaul to over $1 trillion.

The Congressional Budget Office expects the federal agencies to spend $10 billion to $20 billion over 10 years on administrative costs to implement the overhaul. The CBO expects Congress to spend an additional $105 billion over 10 years to fund discretionary programs in the overhaul.

So......about those claims of the bill costing $940 billion over the first 10 years? Wasn't that one of the left's selling points? That 0bamacare will reduce the deficit? That taxes won't be raised?

See you in November!

And of course in 2012!
wow. this health care stupidity is as costly as the unnecessary war stupidity of the previous administration. i wonder which form of stupidity is less stupid. hmmmm.
You want to go through all the "unnecessary war" topics of significance again? I kinda miss it.

wow. this health care stupidity is as costly as the unnecessary war stupidity of the previous administration.

Fucking A right man. Next time terrorists fly into our buildings, we'll just call AllState.
Healthcare Cost Projections assure US Govt. bankruptcy

I don’t get it, what does war have to do with
government clearly violating the Constitution
and taking over one sixth of the economy?
socialized healthcare bankrupted America

No one thinks socialized healthcare is going to help the economy
no wait, it worked in Greece Right? wtf?

Bring on the vat tax! yippee!
Oh Hai Guise, we're getting the band back together!
