hello im new here

Well hello foz. But if your name is foz, why did you call yourself www.otcforum.tk? Would you like that changed to foz? Coz we've automatic parsing or URL's here and anyone talking to you is gonna wind up making links and that could get very ugly.
I went to that website. It wouldn't let me view the forums till I registered, so I registered AND IT STILL WOULDN'T LET ME VIEW THE DAMN FORUMS. :mad:

*edit* ok, got in...looks kinda retarded
Professur said:
I guess Q didn't learn her lesson with Alt's site.
Can't go around being skairt of all the websites on the net. This one's not evil....just goofy. The recently dropped nuts crowd.
Due to your misunderstanding of the AUP, specifically, 4)7.5, you are herby known as foz.
Due to your second registration as the user (now formerly) known as www.otcforum.tk, you have been thrown into the kiddie korner. :beerbang: