
Stale Cereal said:
Hello all, I found this link on the KoC page. You guys look like a bunch of nuts! This'll be fun!! :lol2:

Us, a bunch of nuts, not at all!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the group. Just have fun and write lots.
Nuts, there we go talking about nuts again. Can we just drop the subject of my testicles please?
nuts? I have some!!

but they got stuck in the peanut butter jar...never listen to alphatrolls advice

oh, and HI!
As a peace offering, I hereby bestow unto you this coupon for 40 cents off of your next purchase of a Swanson chicken pot pie.
Aww, but Puter your nuts are OTC's favorite topic! That and Squiggy's penis. :s


Welcome to OTC, Stale Cereal!
tonks said:
but i don't like peanut butter!...can we switch to choclate pudding?

instant or the one you have to cook

scalding burns may be kinky, but they still hurt!
paul_valaru said:
instant or the one you have to cook

scalding burns may be kinky, but they still hurt!
oh come on! you should no i have no patience....INSTANT!!!!!
Welcome to OTC.

PT - the nuts have spilled over from thread to thread and even to other forums I know of...it's a conspiracy I tell ye.

Hey, Unc - why didn't I get one of those coupons?
AlphaTroll said:
Welcome to OTC.

PT - the nuts have spilled over from thread to thread and even to other forums I know of...it's a conspiracy I tell ye.

Hey, Unc - why didn't I get one of those coupons?
The coupons I get in my paper aren't stated in a rand format, nor aligned with any of your local grocers. It would be a tough request to fill. All I can offer you are free moustache rides on a trial basis with an option to buy the long term plan.
See Mr Cereal? I KNEW I was the only sane one here! Can you imagine all this talk about pudding? Now who would do such things? Not I!!!!! So, if you have any questions about anything.....ask me & I will answer promptly........I handle all queries within 5 seconds....think of me as your personal lucky 8 ball....just don't shake too hard, the last time someone did that my left eye popped out.
unclehobart said:
The coupons I get in my paper aren't stated in a rand format, nor aligned with any of your local grocers. It would be a tough request to fill. All I can offer you are free moustache rides on a trial basis with an option to buy the long term plan.

I get to ride yer moustache? When can I start?
As soon as I get one to grown in. Alas, I only have 5 days worth of stubble right now. It won't be worthy of a test run for a few weeks... not to mention the nibbling fact of 10,000 miles of distance twixt us. Moustache rides over the telephone are fun... but rather lacking. It needs that proper hands on approach.
i am not a nut. im not crazy!! honest. its the voices in my head that are crazy!! but they pay the rent so they can stay.

welcome to OT central! post lots! have fun!!
freako104 said:
i am not a nut. im not crazy!! honest. its the voices in my head that are crazy!! but they pay the rent so they can stay.

welcome to OT central! post lots! have fun!!

Don't believe a word of it, the guy's a freak! *Insert comedy cymbals here*