Help! Boot Problem...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
What the heck does...

NTLDR is missing
Press any key to restart

... mean, apart from the obvious need to restart the computer?

I've just transfered Katie's computer to it's new case. It booted OK, all the drives checked out as working OK, so I pressed the reset button to check that it was also working OK, it posted fine and then I got this. Presumeably something to do with windows?... ?(

It's '98 btw.

I get the same legend no matter how many times I press to restart.
win98 does not use NTLDR, it is most likely that you had a dual boot in that disk (win98 and win2k maybe??).

Not 100% (not even 50% sure, so take with a HUGE grain of salt), but deleting boot.ini may help solve the problem and start win98 normally as if no "dual boot" ever installed on it.
Justintime said:
Really odd, you never had that disk formatted NTFS or had windows Nt/2000/XP on it? :tardbang:

This is where I have to admit to being a complete wally!

There was a floppy in the drive but I couldn't see it because of the angle and the new facia. Doh!

Not a bad little case for less than £20 (no PSU) and the cpu is running 10C cooler as well at 45C with a really cheepy cheep heatsink .:)
That with the KT7A? nice home :D prolly the best case it ever had :lol: Why'd you flash it though? the last BIOS i put supported up to a 1900+ XP and it used to run a T Bird @ 1400MHz almost 2 years ago :rofl4:
Justintime said:
That with the KT7A? nice home :D prolly the best case it ever had :lol: Why'd you flash it though? the last BIOS i put supported up to a 1900+ XP and it used to run a T Bird @ 1400MHz almost 2 years ago :rofl4:
It's now running the same Bios as the 1.33(OC)... 7n... the last update available for that board before ABit discontinued it. The Bios that was on there, from the number, looked like the original.
Aunty Em said:

This is where I have to admit to being a complete wally!

There was a floppy in the drive but I couldn't see it because of the angle and the new facia. Doh!

Don't feel so bad, I had that happen with one of my remote users and ran through this whole thing with him, asking if they had loaded any new software or anything. Finally, I had my sysadmin make a Win98 boot disk and when he went to put it in the drive so we could boot to DOS, that's when he found it.

I saw your first post and I thought of it immediately. Now whenever you see that error, you'll know exactly what it is like me! :D
I'm positive that i updated it last year and it did get a few updates over time, i remember running the first generation 1500+ cpus on it and later a first generation 1700+ @ 1.65Ghz.
My biggest excuse is I needed the practice... they've changed the way you do it since I did mine. It's actually easier now. :D

I've got the flash update for the SE6 as well... at the moment it will only take a celeron up to 733MHz, but if I flash it it will take a 1GHz.
Practice makes perfect :D I'm prolly gonna update this NF7-S to BIOS 1.9 for the hell of it, though i'm awaiting more feedback to see if it does anything bad :D
Aunty Em said:

This is where I have to admit to being a complete wally!

There was a floppy in the drive but I couldn't see it because of the angle and the new facia. Doh!

that's #1 reason to set the BIOS to boot only from C ;)
Luis G said:
that's #1 reason to set the BIOS to boot only from C ;)
No point since it's only me who uses floppies in that machine and i don't want to have to go into the BIOSevery time I want to boot into DOS. It now boots up in less than a minute normally... :shrug:
I boot to DOS from a cd-rom now. Lot's more room for diagnostics and programs. Of course I run into an older comp that won't boot from a cd about twice a month, so I keep the floppies around too. :D
I have had that problem with WinXP but that was cause my HDD was dying...
greenfreak said:
I couldn't even get that far, since it was loading the floppy that I didn't know about before the OS. :)

Oh, I mean I use F8 for disk-based DOS *instead* of booting from a floppy. I use floppies for pretty much only virus scans and fdisking. :)