Help end world hunger.



Click on the answer that best defines the word.

If you get it right, you get a harder word. If wrong, you get an easier word.

For each word you get right, we donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

I've always hated "for every X, we'll donate Y" charity giving. It just bugs the crap out of me. I much prefer just making the big donation.
Free rice won't end world hunger. For that you need land, water, seeds, garden utensils & elbow grease.
as someone else say (I think on the schip thread)
I only donate where I see it pretty much directly.

World hunger? I'm more for ending hunger in my town first, then work outwardly.
There's a long way to go before worrying about the whole world in this area IMO.

Take care the neighborhood/acquaintances/state/region... first.
One of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits ever... when Clinton was first running for president, he stopped in at a McDonald's while on his "morning jog" and explained the situation of warlords intercepting food in Somalia by intercepting people's Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets.
You know how many grains of long-grain rice in one standard (imperial) cup? I'm thinking 10's of thousands...
Tens of thousands might be a little high, but I think thousands would be a good estimate. In any event, only 10 grains of rice per word is really low-balling it... otherwise known as charity that makes you feel good for giving without having anything actually get done.