Help! Forum referral needed!


New Member
So my ex-husband has aked if I could recommend a forum for him to join because he thinks he would like posting. He has seen how I just love the hell outta OTC and wants in on the fun. We both think that perhaps it is not prudent for him to join here as I have said some things during our troubles that maybe viewed as unkind...and he also is aware that the other members of this board might be uncomfortable with the idea of him posting here although I am not uncomfortable with him joining...I just don't want him getting his knickers in a twist over some things that I have have mentioned about him being a rat bastard etc. ;)
Seriously, I would be the first to start a welcome thread for him, I'm that cool with it....but I know that I may have been....a little hostile.
SOOOOOOO......What I want to know is:
1. How do you all feel with it?
2. Is there anyway I can delete or clean up my comments from that time frame?
My ex is a very nice guy who had some issues (haven't we all?) and is now a good friend of mine.
1. I wouldn't have a problem.
2. IMO, no, It would set a precedent :shrug:
I agree with Luis. If you put something out there, it's there, unless it violates the AUP. Most of us, at one time or another, have said shit here we regret, but it doesn't get removed. You just have to deal with it.

IMO, you weren't that hostile. If what you said two years ago, mild as it was, is enough to get his knickers in a twist, he has problems. God knows we have members here who've said worse about and to each other, and no one has left.

Personally, I hope he joins. I'd love to get to know him.
Wait a minute .. there are other forums out there? :D

I'm with Homey and Luis ... I don't have a problem with him joining up. As long as he brings the beer (let's not forget the rules .. a new guy is a new guy).

Cool beans! I hope you all will like him!
About #2 - I didn't really expect a different response from what i got...I suppose my concern for his feelings kinda proves he is a decent guy, you know? We were friends before and we're friends now.
I'll tell him it's groovy to sign up then :headbang:
we all go through our shit. look Paul and I have, but we're still here. we're both happy with the lives we have now and that's that. I don't hold any ill toward him anymore, i'm over it and I hope he is too. It's part of life and we all have our moments of distaste towards others. I have no problem with him joining either.
Something tells me there wouldn't be such good will if I referred a certain ex-wife of mine here. :D

No, I'm not going to, don't worry.
Tonksy, just make sure you know what his username is...So you don't
talk shit about him behind his back to his face. :lol2:
Inkara1 said:
Something tells me there wouldn't be such good will if I referred a certain ex-wife of mine here. :D

No, I'm not going to, don't worry.

But you see...much of it at this point prolly wouldn't be because she was your ex...but just because she's the person she is...even if she wasn't your ex I wouldn't want her here :p
Leslie said:
oh come on! think back!! that`d be funny as hell!!!

Go get her!! :laugh:

you and your backwards french apostraphes :p

Anyone with é on their keyboard doesn't get a vote :p
the real apostrophe is down over the period and I keep forgetting :(

but I can do ç now!!!

Leslie said:
the real apostrophe is down over the period and I keep forgetting :(

but I can do ç now!!!


Hey let him join, should be fun, and you posted nothing bad...

as to over it, well maybe one day I will move on with my life :alienhuh: :lol2: