Help, how do I


Too cute for words
get my quotes to say "so and so said:" at the top? I'm sure there's an explanation of it here somewhere, but I haven't found it yet.

"there are no stupid questions, just stupid people who ask them.":D
You open the quote with [quote="name of person"] and close the quote with [/quote], as per usual.

So it comes out like this...

name of person said:
and just close the quote with
I knew it had something to do with double quotes. Thank you sir.:bgtup:
MuFu said:
So it comes out like this...
Question: Should I have capitalized the "t" as well as the "m"? I always get confused by thes name/handle quandries.:D
chcr said:
Dear Mr. "the Muff,"
If you're using IE, the other option, for part of a quote, is highlight the text & push the 2nd button over here --------------------------------------->>>
Gonz said:
If you're using IE, the other option, for part of a quote, is highlight the text & push the 2nd button over here --------------------------------------->>>
Ah! And thank you as well.:bgtup:
Exceptionally keen!!!!!:bluegrab:
(That emoticon has nothing to do with the post, I just wanted to use it.)