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Well-Known Member

Neat idea. This is basically the same thing as Seti but instead of scanning the skies for radio signals this performs folding simulation in order to understand the elusive concept of how protiens fold themselves before working.

Read the introduction to see what I mean.

So what does this means to you really?

Well basically you lend them computing power to help sped up the simulations.

No really what does it mean to me?

Well for starters it only uses computing power that is left over so while you are working it quietly sits in the back and doesn't bog down you PC by sucking computing power. If you leave your PCs on for a long time it basically keeps crunching numbers so you help the study of proteins through distributed computing.

It doesn't really hurt you and you never know its there so help out never know...following generations may benefit greatly from this. So join....If someone is willing they can quickly create a Team..An OTC team and compete with others.

I would start it but I am already a member at another team so I am already running one console that computes units. So join and have fun watching molecules get simulated.
Gonz said:
We, technically, have an OTC team
Haven't done the Genome for awhile ,May to be exactand I'm still fifth on the OTC team:lol2: .I was having probs with the Client ,so I just stopped .Recently found the Catacom Folding group and re-upped.My comp runs 24/7 and I'm on Cable ,so I figured I'd put it to good use.
If you click on the members names at the link Gonz provided to the OTC group ,you'll most haven't returned a work unit since May,Gonz is the only exception?I'm not saying don't do it ,just thought you should realize most have abandoned it in favour of Folding@home or stopped entirely.
Professur said:
Espescially since we've no proof whatsoever as to what they're doing with your computer time.

*is the teeniest little bit even more paranoid now* :eek6:
Are we suspecting that the genome project is really just a super mathematical ballistics cruncher for the Iraqi supergun?