Help with CPU temperature


New Member
I'm afraid to turn my computer on. :D

I had an AMD 1.1ghz CPU and decided to upgrade to: AMD Athlon XP Barton @ 2.1ghz

I also bought a new HD and was fiddling with those settings when I checked my temps. The CPU is running at 150F (65C) with all the case fans running and the CPU fan running at 6887.

The CPU fan has three prongs and plugs into the mobo. I have another heat sink and fan that I can't remember the speed of. It's a two prong and plugs into a standard power supply plug.

Here are my questions... What's the "danger zone" temp-wise for this CPU? If the other heat sink/fan has a plug for the power supply does that mean it requires more power to run and is thus faster?

Thanks for letting me be lazy and asking you guys instead of looking for the answer myself or changing the heat sink/fan. The clip on the current heat sink is a major bitch to get on and off, and I would hate to smear the thermal compound all over the place. :D
Interesting. I recently changed mainboards without changing processors (one thing at a time, moneys tight). I've got an XP 1700+ and it started running very hot, 75C+ (never did with the old K7S5A). I ended up putting it in my server case for now, lots of airflow and it runs around 45C.

I'd definitely upgrade the cooling with the new cpu though.
My Barton 2500+ (at 2083) is running at 106F...I have a 12" fan blowing into the open side & the CPU fan is rotating at 2800+rpm. 150 sounds a little high but from what I've discovered, you're safe until about 180 & cooking starts about 195.
AFAIK, for most people a safe limit is 65ºC.

Also, make sure that your fans are making the air flow in the same direction. Imagine a front case fan blowing air while the other fan in the back of the case is blowing too!!
Gonz is right the barton should 'idle' around 105-113 F

fullload with good cooling shouldn't exceed 150F onna Hawt day.
Sounds like a good time to try water cooling. :grinyes: It doesn't need it, if the temp doesn't go over 75C, but you'll have bragging rights in quite a few places. ;)
Thanks guys. I'm going to try the other heatsink/fan tonight and see how it goes. I bought the case from CoolerGuys. It's called the "Windtunnel" if that gives you any idea of how many fans (and how much noise) this thing has.

All the fans are 80mm, there's one fan blowing in from the back, right next to the CPU, there's one on the top blowing out, two on the side blowing in against the mobo and one on the front blowing out. I know my case is as cool as it can be, so the fan on the CPU has to be the one upgraded.

I'm also going to try to get the cables into some type of order and tucked in somewhere, hopefully that will make the airflow better. They're not resting on the front of the CPU or anything, but between all those case fans, three hard drives, a CD Rom and floppy, I have cables everywhere.
Why is the back fan blowing in and the front fan blowing out? Wouldn't you want it the opposite way?
I'm no authority in case cooling but here goes anyway.

If the CPU fan is blowing air to the heat sink then the case fan that's blowing air to the CPU is a problem, air currents hit each other instead of cooperating to the air flow.

Perhaps a solution is to put the two fans on the back blowing air out, the cpu fan blowing air to the heat sink, and the side and front fans blowing air inside the case. But as I said before, I'm no guru on this :)
I was wrong, the back fan is blowing out. I wrote that while I was at work, I'm sitting next to the computer now.

The other heat sink/fan is doing the trick. Mobo temp 28c/84f, cpu 44c/111f. Quite a difference, ay?

Thanks guys. There's a big improvement in speed with this guy. The file browser in Photoshop is responding so much faster, opening up these huge RAW files really quick. That's really what I wanted out of this new CPU. Looks like I got it.

So... Anyone want to buy a 1.1 AMD? ;)
Not at all. It's working fairly well so far. Except now I have to work on reinstalling the OS and all my programs on the new HD so I can take the flaky one out of the mix. Hate that part.