he's done now.

If you are an acting Christian you are a troglodyte but if you are a closet Muslim, you are enlightened & worthy of a vote.

Man, is there a book with these rules written down?
If you are an acting Christian you are a troglodyte but if you are a closet Muslim, you are enlightened & worthy of a vote.

Man, is there a book with these rules written down?

gee gonz nobody's talking about denying anyone the vote. calm down.

there's troglodytes in every group. other than mine, of course. :retard:
Yep. You, on the other hand, say that (or an equivalent) damn near daily. It leads one to observe a pattern
Perry's officially announced now.

I won't be changing my sig just yet though, but probably will eventually.
Yep. You, on the other hand, say that (or an equivalent) damn near daily. It leads one to observe a pattern

It is a pattern. I am more than happy to discuss beyond the knee-jerk or silly lampoonery. Lemme know what you wanna discuss seriously and not pull a copout on... Oh noes economics are too hard... I just wanna parrot my constitutional literalism... Hey man I got my bible beat that bitchez!
constitutional literalism...

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

When will the news media ever learn to get things right.

The comment about Bernanke that Perry made....

The media (even fox) has said it was a 'threat', and that he called it treason.
They all need to go back and listen.
He said, "Almost" treasonous.
Not only do I agree, but I think the media need be smacked around a little for misreporting it.
hah nice going perry. you're a fuckwit. you just got cornholed by bachmann and santorum. bachmann came off as a moron as well. santorum... he did pretty well.