
New Member
Hi all, havent been on computer, house phone got turned off and trying to make the kids (scott's) understand that they have to pay:grumpy: , so im suffering for it, but just found out i can use the library computer and my laptop will here. So, all is fine, just no computer, talk to you all soon.
Hey! At the library again. :retard3:
I do hate this but YES, i'm cruel!!! LOL
I only use the computer for the house phone, his children are the ones that charge it up to 300.00. So, Hell no, i won't pay! Have a good day all.:hump:
Hiya all again! Well, I couldn't take it anymore, so i broke down and "I" got the phon service back on! :grumpy:
I'll tell ya, kids in the 20's just don't care and have absolutely no idea how to be respectfull sometimes. I wanted to just get my laptop up and running again, but were hooked up through embarq/sprint through the phone service. Guess there's noway without a main computer i th house (I use a router) to get it working without that. Any suggestions, don't want dial up either.
Hiya all again! Well, I couldn't take it anymore, so i broke down and "I" got the phon service back on! :grumpy:
I'll tell ya, kids in the 20's just don't care and have absolutely no idea how to be respectfull sometimes. I wanted to just get my laptop up and running again, but were hooked up through embarq/sprint through the phone service. Guess there's noway without a main computer i th house (I use a router) to get it working without that. Any suggestions, don't want dial up either.

Mare, go into router setup and only allow the MAC address of your laptop access to the internet. Give the router and your laptop a real password (8 or more characters, upper and lower case letters plus numbers) and that should keep everyone else off.
I think what she means is the phone service was turned off, and with it went her internet (DSL, I assume). As Winky said in the shoutbox, see if another company can sell you a dry pair, or sometimes called naked DSL. It's a digital line thats not piggybacked to an analog voice line.

Although, it may still lead to disconnects like this if the voice gets pulled. The linemen or switching facility may not know the difference when the order comes through and they might end up pulling all the pairs.
I think what she means is the phone service was turned off, and with it went her internet (DSL, I assume). As Winky said in the shoutbox, see if another company can sell you a dry pair, or sometimes called naked DSL. It's a digital line thats not piggybacked to an analog voice line.

Although, it may still lead to disconnects like this if the voice gets pulled. The linemen or switching facility may not know the difference when the order comes through and they might end up pulling all the pairs.

Thanks! Thats what i ment, dont know if it will work, i'll check into it. Anything to teach is asshole bratty kids a lesson.